hey guys, dr. axe here, founder of draxe.comand doctor of natural medicine. what i want to answer today is one of those common questionsi get on facebook and on my online page, and that is, how many carbohydrates should youeat per day? we know that there are a lot of differentdiets out there, some saying go completely carb free like the ketogenic diet, and somesaying, hey, you need to be eating more carbs and low fat, and i want to answer that questionhere. let me say this, it really depends on yourhealth goals and how many carbs you should eat per day, and it really depends on yourbody type. but for most people, let's say you're consuming 1600 calories or 2000 caloriesa day, is you want carbohydrates to typically
be about 40% of your overall intake of calories. and again, that really depends on the person,and that's for an active person. if you're active, about 40% of your calories shouldcome from carbs, another 30% protein, another 30% fat in general. again, that does depend. for some people, you may consume a lot higherfat diet if your goal is to become a fat burner. for some people, they may need more proteinas well, if you're really trying to pack on some muscle. in general, the amount of carbs you shouldconsume per day is probably going to be in between 500 and 800 calories per day fromcarbohydrates, and that's going to typically
be about 150 to 200 grams of carbohydratesper day is what you should be eating. so, 200 is an upper amount, actually evenas low as 120, may be ideal. so when you're counting your carbohydrates, 120 to 200 formost people is ideal when it comes to burning fat and just overall general health. so let me remind you of this, carbohydratesare not evil. there're a lot of people out there today out there as saying carbs arebad. you know we've had things like the atkins diet and south beach diet and paleo diet andketogenic diet today where some of them have sort of painted carbohydrates in a bad light. listen, you need carbohydrates for energy,it's important for cellular function, but
the truth is, most people are getting waytoo many carbohydrates in their diet per day. let me give you something in perspective aswell. you know, blueberries are an amazing superfood. they have antioxidant, they have carbohydrates, they have fiber, they have vitamins and minerals,but if i take blueberries and i just extract the sugar out of it and you just have fructose,well that sugar by itself without the fiber, without the antioxidants, without the minerals,is now toxic to your body. so sugar and carbohydrates have gotten a badrap for that reason, because so many of the foods we have today, they're isolated compoundsthat are not real foods. again, fructose by itself, sugar, it's not a real food. its toxicto your system versus blueberries or sourdough
bread or something else along those linesare real food. even raw honey, those are foods. they have co-factors or nutrients with themthat support absorbability and digestibility. it's a similar thing with white rice versusbrown rice. well how many carbs should you consume per day? well, it depends on the formyou're getting them in. brown rice you can actually eat a little bitof a bigger serving because there is fiber there that's going to slow the absorptionof those carbohydrates turning into sugar, versus white rice will turn into sugar almostimmediately. so, i think you see my point here. but ingeneral, to answer your question, how many carbohydrates should you consume per day?for most people, in between 120 and 200 grams
per day, and i would say the ideal amountfor most people is about 150 grams total of carbohydrates per day. but again, that really depends on your activitylevel, it depends on your body type and goals, but one of the best things you can do is taketime and make a food diary. write down for three to seven days what you're eating ona daily basis. then really start monitoring your overallfat, carbon and protein intake, and what you're eating in terms of food, and then see howyour body does. if your goal was weight loss, then reallylook at what you're eating, weigh yourself, or test your body fat. again, see where you'reat.
i want to mention this is well; my overallphilosophy isn't just about quantity. it's not about counting carbohydrates, it's notabout counting fat and protein, it's not about quantity, it's about the quality of the foodyou're eating. i would actually challenge you rather thancounting carbohydrates, instead count the quality of nutrients you're eating. get moregrass fed animal products, get more fruits, get more vegetables, get more sprouted nutsand seeds like chia seeds, consume more coconut products. but just eat real food. i think you'll see, if you just start eatingreal food in these five categories, wild caught meats, fruits, vegetables, sprouted nuts andseeds and beans, and then raw fermented dairy
products like the yogurt and raw cheeses,things like kefir and yogurt. if you really stick to those five food groups,you are going to burn fat fast, your body is going to heal, and i think you'll see thatthat's a better strategy than overall counting carbohydrates. hey guys, if you want to learn more abouthow to burn fat fast or heal naturally, check out draxe.com, my website, that's draxe.com. if you want more health tips, hey, make sureyou subscribe here to our youtube channel. i've got some great articles coming out onnatural healing that i know you're going to love. thanks for watching guys.
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