hey guys! so i just got back from the gym a little bit ago and this is my first real meal of the day and i think it's like...it's 1:19pm so typically, i don't do intermittent fasting or try to even attempt that because i'm hungry all the time usually, even on keto ...but today was kinda a crazy morning so i started off with some bulletproof coffee which you guys saw and then i headed to the gym and did a leg day, and then i had a chiropractor appointment but when i got back from the gym at like 11:30 i was starving so i had a
piece of leftover fathead pizza that we made last night for dinner, and if you don't know what fat head pizza is you have got to check it out it's so good. and i'll post the recipe in a link below so you guys can see it! so this is our big kinda afternoon meal and then i'll probably have, i don't know, like a fat bomb or something or a piece or chocolate or something after i eat this and then i really won't eat again until probably 7pm um, so kinda two bigger meals today and then obviously sparkling water i drink this stuff like crazy so...
yeah! so that's kinda the full day of eating so far, and we'll check in with you soon! okay, so i'm having a fat bomb for my post-lunch snack and these are just basically made with coconut oil, and some cocoa powder and these are peppermint patty ones so these are pretty good if you're a little low on fats for the day and you know want, you know, something else fatty but you're craving something sweet so i have them occasionally and yeah, i was a little low on fat for the day
so this will pop me right back to where i need to be before dinner and it's delicious as well! okay, so here is our snack it is some pepperoni, and some cheese and a couple of olives griffey likes keto foods too! and it's about, let's see... like 3:30pm right now hey guys! so i am the worst and forgot to tape dinner this day but i wanted to throw up a snapshot of what i ate so i could get this video uploaded
so dinner was just basically a big salad with a lot of greens and i believe i put in some feta cheese and had some pork carnitas on the top so a little bit of protein and a bunch of veggies and that pretty much closed out my day of eating so i hope you guys enjoyed this, i hope it gave you some good ideas for different meals that you can do on a keto diet and i plan to do these pretty frequently so
like my channel if you liked this video and subscribe and i will see you guys soon!
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