hi guys. petrina here, your go to girl forlearning how to make fit work in a crazy busy world and this week we're talking carbs, allkind of carbs, net carbs, impact carbs, active carbs, usable carbs, carbs-a-palooza and whyare we talking carbs today? because one of my most popular videos here on youtube ismy 90 pound weight loss success story and you can click over here to view it if youwant to see it in full where i talk about how i lost 90 pounds doing atkins now a littlebit over ten years ago and since that time i've also experienced with other types oflow carb diets like south beach. i've done carb cycling, carb nite solutions, so becauseof different videos i've made on this topic and i get a lot of questions about low carbdiets.
most frequently people are confused over thedifference over carbs and net carbs. there is a difference and it's important to knowespecially if you're following a low carb or ultra low carb diet. a lot of times thisdiet will tell you to focus on what they call either net carbs or usable carbs and thisis how you count your carbs and make sure you stay within whatever the recommended maximumis each day. for ultra low carbs, you're going to keep it below 30 net carbs or less. figuringour your net carb level is a simple math problem. it's very basic. it's basically carbs minusfiber and that will equal your net carbs. why the distinction? it's because any foodthat has fiber as part of its carb component means that it's not going to have as muchof an impact on your glycemic index and how
fast your blood sugar levels rise. the presenceof fiber will slow the movement along through your digestive system the food that you'veeaten. it minimizes the impact on your blood sugar. you want a simple example of this?let's talk broccoli. if you were to fix yourself a cup of broccoli, that would clock in at6 grams of total carbohydrates and lucky for you 2 of those grams are actually fiber, soyou would subtract the 2 grams of fiber from the total of 6 and that would total of course4 net carbs in that cup of delectable broccoli. simple right? not so simple and not so cut and dry whenyou are dealing with processed foods. a good general rule of thumb is to avoid these, especiallywhen you're first starting out. whatever plan
you've chosen to do. in low carb, i wouldrecommend avoiding anything where the label confuses you and it's not just a simple matterof carbs versus fiber. a lot of times these products are going to contain sugar alcohols.they go by the name of mannitol, sorbitol, xylitol to name a few and the manufacturerswill try to lure you in with the promise of a very low net carb, active carb or impactcarb. if you see those on the label, just walk away. i'm saying this from my own personal experienceas well as research. it is not so cut and dry to say that the level of impact on yourblood sugar is going to be what it was going to be if you were having let's say 4 net carbsof broccoli as opposed to 4 net carbs when
you have 2 of the atkins indulge bars. asyou see, the label promises you it's 2 net carbs for each bar. going down and readingthe label, you'll actually see that it clocks in at 17 grams of total carbohydrates, 6 ofthese being fiber, but it also deducts 9 grams of sugar alcohols. don't get sucked into theallure of the sugar alcohol. so why am i so against processed foods thathave sugar alcohols? it's because it is not clear whether it will have an impact on yourblood sugar level. there is evidence out there that these sugar alcohols could be a wolfin sheeps clothing and mislead you to thinking that it's not going to impact your blood sugarin the same way. it would if it were true fiber. another potential negative is thatsugar alcohols could have laxative affects
on people. you could have diarrhea, reallybad gas so i'd say it's best to proceed with caution. as you get further into your planand you do see success, yes, if you wanted to you could try to incorporate certain processedfoods and sugar alcohols into the mix and just track carefully and see if it does havean impact. if it slows down the rate of your weight loss, if it does cause you tummy discomfort. i say if anyone who is just starting out andjust wants to stay focused and committed to the plan, follow whatever it is as writtenand keep it to whole natural food as much as you possibly can. it's the kiss methodand that basically is 'keep it simple stupid'. don't make the math any more complicated thanit has to be. okay? now i'm going to get off
of my carb soap box. that's it for this week guys. as always, ifyou have any questions you can shoot me an email at coachpetrina@yahoo.com. if you likeyou can check out my crazy sexy cool website over at petrinahammfitness.com or if you aregame, you can sign up for absolutely free fitness coaching with me at makefitwork.com. that's it. take care and have a great week.bye guys.
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