greetings. naturopath eric bakker from newzealand. author of candida crusher and formulator of the canxida range of products. i've gota question here from claudevia sameen from kiev, ukraine. claudivia is asking me, "canbetaine hcl treat candida?" so betaine hydrochloride. betaine is really a supplement; trimethylglycineis a supplement that we use for improving stomach acidity. it's commonly thought thatmany people who get reflux disease and heartburn have over acid production and, in fact, manyhave under acid production. it's a very common assumption that heartburn is caused by overacidity and it's spawned a whole huge industry, particularly in north america in the unitedstates. it's almost a $10 billion us dollar industry with one drug called nexium alonenetting over $6 billion last year.
stomach acid is very important. it's a veryimportant part of good health for people. a very important part. and when we start blockingstomach acid with medications, we create a huge amount of problem with people. i've doneanother video on nexium that you can watch, and that explains a little bit more aboutthe different kinds of medications, the acid blockers, we've got different kinds, two differenttypes we use, and their effect on human health. a study has found that over 70 percent ofpeople who take these acid-blocking medications have got, in fact, a yeast infection. by increasingstomach acidity rather than decreasing it, we're going to have a good effect on improvingnot just the stomach function in general, but we're also going to prevent the body fromgaining the ability to get these infections.
so you're more prone to getting a yeast infectionor small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, what we call sibo, if you've got a higherph of the stomach, so a more alkaline stomach rather than a more acid-forming stomach.a good way to take betaine hydrochloride, dr. jonathan wright in the states, very famousdoctor years ago recommended people start with 300 to 500 mg of betaine hcl as a supplement.take it with a meal one capsule and then with each succeeding meal, increase by one doseuntil you reach your what we call "tummy tolerance." if you start feeling a bit of reflux or heartburnbehind the sternum here, you back off and you work under that threshold. i've had somepatients honestly take 20 or 30 of these capsules a day until they reach their stomach's aciditylevel. and then over a period of a week or
two, they had to back off and use lower andlower dosages. this is called the "tummy tolerance" method and it works quite well for a lot ofpeople. if you've quite serious heartburn, you could try a little bit of betaine, a littlebit of lemon juice or cider vinegar may help, too, or a bit of betaine. if you've got candida,make sure that you take a digestive enzyme that contains a bit of betaine.check out my products called canxida restore. that's got digestive enzymes in it, alongwith some probiotics. probiotics, in fact, improve the upper level of the stomach's health,and antibiotics are linked, in fact, with people taking these acid blocking medications.because what we found is that when many people take an antibiotic, they, in fact, destroythe beneficial flora in the stomach. and yes,
there are beneficial bacteria there, too,and right throughout the digestive tract. this, in turn, can create reflux disease andproblems requiring a drug like zantac or tagamet or prevacid or nexium, one of those if you require one of these drugs, have you taken an antibiotic in the past? maybeyou just need to take a good probiotic enzyme formula to build that health back up again.that's a bit of a long-winded reply there for claudivia in kiev, ukraine. i hope thatanswers your question claudivia. don't forget to do my online quiz at yeastinfection.orgto determine what kind of level of severity of candida you've got. thanks for tuning in.
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