you know clearly one of the biggest pushbacksto the idea of eating more fat is that somehow it’s going to cause a stroke or heart attack.and this was actually recently looked at in the new england journal of medicine wherethey compared the standard low fat diet that everyone still recommends to a diet that hasa lot of extra added fat and we’ll look at this study in a moment but it’s so incrediblethat this study was actually halted midway through because there was such a dramaticdisparity. those people eating the most fat had an incredibly improved outcome. let’stake a look. so here’s the study from the new england journal of medicine in februaryof 2013 over 7,000 individuals either on a low-fat diet or a mediterranean diet withadded fat, olive oil, nuts at the end points
of the study are either having a stroke, aheart or actually becoming dead. what were the foods that were encouraged in the mediterraneandiet? things like olive oil, nuts, fruits and vegetables, legumes and sofrito, we’lllook at sofrito in a moment, and actually even some wine. the low-fat diet encouragedthings like bread, potatoes, pasta, and rice. and these are foods that you know we reallydiscourage on the grain brain program. the foods that you were discouraged from eatingon the mediterranean diet were things like sodas, bakery goods, sweets, and pastries-really good recommendations. and on the low-fat diet you were told not to eat things likefatty fish and even something called “sofritoâ€, which is this wonderful sauce, made from tomatoesand onions aromatic herbs and lots of olive
oil. and as i mentioned, this isn’t a profoundstudy, those individuals eating the most fat in their form of extra-virgin olive oil oradded nuts had a 30% reduction in the risk of major events such as stroke, heart attackor even death. and so compelling were these results that the study, again as mentioned,was halted halfway through because the researchers could not in good conscience let the peopleon the low-fat diet continue. it was that scary. it was that detrimental to their health.they said we got to stop the trial and tell the people who are eating low fat that thisis risky business. the message here is let’s welcome good fats back to the table. that’swhat our most well respected researches are telling us. i’m dr. david perlmutter.
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