Wednesday, March 22, 2017

losing weight through ketosis

losing weight through ketosis

hi and welcome to my little pruvit video. i want to first tell you that this is nota professional video and i want to apologize up front because i’m not reading a script,i’m not an actor. i do have my notes off to the side so you’llsee me glancing and reading my notes, maybe not even glancing, maybe i’ll be readingthem all the time. but this is just a real little video and iwanted to make this video because i’ve been taking keto os for the last 9 days and i wantto kind of give you an idea of what’s been happening to me and how that’s been going. so, first off, i’ve lost 8 and a half poundsin those 9 days.

so, that’s just under a pound a day andi’ve only changed 2 things in my lifestyle. i am not working out at all, i wasn’t workingout before and i’m not now. i’m doing it because i really want to seehow the product works, i want to see how this ketosis works and how this ketogenic dietworks. so, i’m not working out on purpose, becausei wasn’t working out before. i probably will start working out now thatmy energy levels are increasing, but i’ll get to that sometime later in another videomaybe. let’s see. now, one of the things i wanted to make sureand i’ve tried tons and tons of diets.

you name it, i’ve probably been on it andi’ve tried it and they all work for certain people in certain ways. so, i’m not here to poo poo anybody’sdiet, but i’m here to tell you that i’ve tried a bunch of them and none of them workedfor lasting effects to me, effects on me or my body. specifically, the diet itself, i cannot standa low-calorie diet, it’s just not going to work for me. i don’t like eating rabbit food every day,i don’t like restricting my calories every day.

i travel for business a lot and it’s justnot conducive to eating those kinds of diets, especially when you’re traveling, especiallyif you have to eat multiple meals a day 4,5,6 times a day, that just doesn’t work forme.i wanted to have a diet and a program that was going to burn body fat, that’s specificallywhat i’m after. a week or so ago, 10 days ago, i was 286.6pounds and now i’m 278 pounds and i need that to keep going. my goal weight is about 180-195 pounds. and i need that to continue, that continuedweight loss, without significantly changing my lifestyle.

now, yes, i’m going to exercise a long withthe diet and i’m going to do some other things, but i just can’t have all thesespecial requirements on my lifestyle. i work, i travel, i have kids, i have commitmentsand i need something that works within that framework. so, i need something that’s going to burnbodyfat and this is burning bodyfat. i’ve been on all kinds of diets where yougot dehydrated and you lost water weight or you lost muscle mass, that’s not happenedhere. i’m fully hydrated, i feel strong, i feeli’ve got energy, so i’m losing fat and boy do i have fat to lose so that’s a goodthing.

now, when i talk about this diet, so i’mtaking this keto os and i’ve been taking it once or twice a day for 9 days. and, first off, it tastes good. i’ve taken a lot of supplements, i’vetaken a lot of shakes and different things and i’ve had things where i’m eating,it feels like i went outside and grabbed a scoop of dirt and grass and i’m chewingon that. this is nothing like that. this actually tastes like the orange dreamsicle,the little popsicle with the white cream in the middle of it or that orange soda thatyou get, that orange dreamsicle or creamsicle,

that’s what it tastes like. so, it tastes good to start with and thenon the diet side, i need something that i can live with, something that i can eat, wherei’m eating foods that i want to eat. and so, i’ve been eating, and it’s crazytoo, because i’ve been eating stuff that people will tell you that you shouldn’tbe eating. i’ve been having steak, i’ve had pork,i’ve had roast, asparagus, green beans, those are relatively healthy, the bacon wrappedasparagus would not necessarily, some may not say so but it was delicious. i’ve had chicken cauliflower casserole withcream cheese and cheddar cheese.

i’ve had salmon, i’ve had kielbasa, i’vehad shrimp, i’ve had crab legs, i’ve had meatballs. i’m eating food that i enjoy eating andthe really big benefit of this is i’m not eating as much, not because i have to restrictthose calories, but because i don’t want to, i’m not hungry, i can’t eat as muchas i used to because i just don’t feel hungry and i’ll talk about that again here in alittle bit. let me get back here to my notes. so, let me tell you a little bit about theketo os and specifically what it is. and by the way, i’m not a doctor, i don’tplay a doctor on tv, i am not paid as a spokesperson

for pruvit or keto os or any of that. i merely am taking this and i want to tellpeople about it, because it’s working for me and i wish somebody would’ve told meabout this long before somebody finally did. so, that’s all this is. take this, take everything i say, throw itout the window, go do your own research, go check everything out for yourself, but thisis what’s working for me. okay? first off, so the keto os is a powder, itcomes in a tin just like any protein powder or protein shake or anything.

this is for home use and you can have thathere at the house. let’s see, where’s my… doggone it, hang on a second. i forgot where i put the other stuff. these are the travel packs and they go withyou, you throw them in your luggage and stuff. so, that works. so, it’s very convenient to use. i said it earlier, it tastes good. the big thing for me, again, was the cravingsand the hunger pains.

i’ve been on tons of diets and i’ve lostlots of weight, but then i eventually end up gaining it back and i gain back more andi think that’s because the hunger pains come back, the cravings come back and i believecravings are just your body telling you that it’s deficient in some ways and it’s manifestingitself in these cravings and things. but i’m having no cravings and i’m notjoking, no cravings. we have chocolate chip cookies sitting onthe counter upstairs that my daughters made and they usually make chocolate chip cookiesfor me. they’re not getting eaten, we’ll probablyend up having to throw them out, but i just don’t have any desire to eat them.

there’s bread, there’s tortillas, there’sthe hawaiian rolls, man, i used to love those things. they’re still sitting up there, they’regoing to go back. i threw out bagels the other day because they’regoing bad. there's chips, my daughters make their lunches,their school lunches, it’s school lunch so they pack their own, but they left thechips and the bread and stuff out so when i cleaned all that up, usually when i cleanthat up i grab my handful of chips or something, i had no desire to grab any chips, not cravingthem at all. so, that’s for me, those two things, thecravings, and the hunger pains, that’s huge

because it’s really easy for me to stopeating when i’m not hungry when i’m not constantly getting those cravings. so, i’ll get off that, but that is reallythe big thing. talked about the food that i’m eating, it’sgood, it’s normal, regular. now, a lot of people are eating only grass-fedthis or only organic that and i do believe there’s some benefits and all that and i’mstudying a lot of that myself, but right now, for the most part, i’m still eating thenormal food you get at the normal store.i get my stuff at costco or i get it at krogeror walmart or whatever and i’m eating just the normal food.

i am looking for the better quality stuff,but i’m not yet buying in completely to the idea of everything being organic or everythingbeing grass fed or pasture fed or whatever. i’m a sales person, i know that there’sa certain amount of marketing in that and i’m going to study it before i really startbuying into that. so, that’s where i’m at with that. the weight loss is what i had said, 8 anda half pounds. i’ve done nothing, i’ve done no exercise. i have a fitbit and i’m currently probablywalking between 4 and 7 thousand steps a day, so i’m not even doing the 10,000 steps theheart association says you should be doing.

i think in the last week two times, maybethree, i got to or got close to 10,000 steps. but i did actually feel the other day thati had so much energy that i actually did go and walk on the treadmill for about 15 minuteswhile i listened to a podcast. so, that’s where i think i’ll end up gettingthe energy to want to work out more, is as i lose more weight and gain more energy, ithink that’s going to come more natural. i have everything you need to work out righthere in my house, as well as my in-laws, go to a fitness club right up the street. they’ve invited me to come with them. actually, i have a gold’s gym membership,i hate to say, that i never go to.

so, there you have it. so, anyways, more about that. mental clarity, that’s another thing. so, i used to, and i still do, i go to bedrelatively early, i go to bed at 8:30-9:00 o’clock every night, most nights, and iusually get up between 5:00 and 6:00, sometimes 4:00 something, but usually between 5:00 and6:00. and when i get up at 5:00 o’clock in themorning, i am so mentally acute. i get so much work done from like 5:00 to9:30 or 10:00 o’clock. i don’t eat, i don’t do any, i just knockit all out.

now, what i have been doing is i’ve beengetting up as i normally do, at 5:00 or 6:00, and then i’ve been getting up and makinga bulletproof coffee. and you can research bulletproof coffee, buti’ll tell you what i do and i what i put in it. i don’t have the fancy coffee makers orany of that stuff. i basically have the i think it’s called… i’ll mess it up, whatever it is, those littlecups that you put in the coffee maker. i usually, actually, my wife uses them andthen i reuse them. i reused them and i get half a cup out ofeach one of them, so i’ll take two of them

and i’ll put a half cup together and thenit gives me a cup of coffee or i’ll use a regular one if she hasn’t used some ofthe other ones. don’t ask me why i’m doing the other coffee,i think there’s more coffee in it, that’s why. i just don’t want to throw it out. but anyways, i do about 16 ounces of coffee. where’s my cup? here we go. here’s my bulletproof coffee in my little“i love my wrestler” cup.

thank you, jeremy, mary and george for mycup. anyhow, actually, there’s still some inhere. let me show you. i don’t know if i can show you, i’m goingto probably spill it trying to show you. am i going to spill it? yeah, i’ll probably spill it, i’m goingto stop. anyways, it looks like what they call blondecoffee, like coffee with cream in it, but it has coffee and then two tablespoons of… i did get some grass fed kerrygold butter.

so, i put two tablespoons of butter and iput two tablespoons of coconut oil or mtc, mct oil, and i just ordered some mct oil offof amazon and it’s flavorless so i actually used that today and i like that better thanthe coconut oil because coconut oil has coconut taste. i like coconut, but having that coconut oilevery single day is getting a little monotonous. so, i bought some mickey 8 i think it is calledor mickey t 8 and i put some of that in it, it tastes greatso, anyways, i have my bulletproof coffee and then i have my keto os drink and basicallyit just, you shake it up, i put it in a 16-ounce bottle of water.

this is purple because i actually added agrape crystal light to it. the flavor is great, there’s a little bitof a metallic aftertaste and you put a little crystal light packet in there, whatever flavoryou like and that takes it away. if you use the mango peach with the keto os,it really tastes like dessert, it really tastes like that orange dreamsicle. the grape i don’t like as much, it stillhas a, it takes kind of the metal aftertaste away, but it doesn’t work as well. i’m going to try some other flavors. i like the mango peach with the keto os, makesit taste just like an orange.

man, i almost had another keto os yesterdaybecause i was kind of hungry for dessert and so i was going to have that for dessert, becauseit tastes like that dreamsicle. anyhow, let’s see, moving on. the food’s great, the weight loss, toldyou about that, the mental clarity, the energy. if you can’t tell, i’m fired up. i had half an avocado with egg salad on it. i made some avocados the other day and i hadone of them each of the days a couple of days ago. i put it in a tupperware, the avocado’sstarting to turn slightly greyish, whatever,

because of being in the tin, but it doesn’tbother me, it still tasted good. so, half and avocado with that in it was awesome,that’s probably all i’ll have until probably 3:00 o’clock today, not because i’m holdingback, not because i’m restricting, i’m not going to be hungry again until 3:00 o’clock. that’s, again, the thing that i love themost about this. better sleep, people talk about better sleep,i don’t know about better sleep. i mean, we just got a new bed, so that isdefinitely helping. i used to wake up 8 or 9, 10 times a day andnow i’m waking up once or twice and i’m not completely waking up.

i do think i’m getting more restful sleep,but i’m going to leave that judgement till later after i’ve had some more time to reallystudy that and see if that in fact is just, am i mentally thinking that or is that actuallyhappening, am i getting better sleep. and then i talked about the mix, being onthe road and that it’s the powder. the powder is not like a lot of protein powdersi’ve had before. a lot of protein powders are gritty, theyare hard to mix, there’s big chunks and flakes, things taste like grass and alfalfaand dirt. this doesn’t. this looks like talcum powder or baby powder,it mixed really well.

i just use this bottle; i just pour it inthere and use the bottle. some people use the shaker cups, i’m sureyou could, i just put it in a bottle of water and that works great for me. so anyhow, this is what i’m doing, thisis what keto os is doing for me so far. my plan is to continue to work on this. my ultimate goal is to lose 2 pounds a week. right now, i’m losing just under a pounda day, that’s fantastic. i expect that at some point in time that’llprobably slow down, as my body weight to fat ratio goes down, but i’m at least a hundredpounds overweight.

so, i’ve got plenty of fat to go, so that’sprobably, hopefully going to continue at a fairly high rate, but if i’m doing 2 poundsa week, in 52 weeks i will have lost 104 pounds and that’s one year that gets me to my goal. so, if i do stall out or plateau, i’ll haveto deal with that. again, i’m not exercising today, i’m nottaking any kind of supplements, i’ve stopped taking everything except for keto os two timesa day. i’m not starving, i’m not eating rabbitfood. i’m going to be travelling next week, that’llbe my first big travel test, but as long as i can have steak and i can have caesar salador i can have blue cheese dressing or high

fat dressing or seafood or just about anykind of meat. i don’t crave the carbs, i don’t cravepotatoes or rice or breads or grains or any of that stuff, so i really don’t think i’mgoing to have an issue with that. so, my notes say to wrap this thing up, solet’s see. i’ll wrap it up by saying i’ve tried it,it’s working for me. i’ve been doing it for 9 days; i’ve hadconsistent and persistent weight loss. no side effects whatsoever and even thoughi’m taking… there’s 2 versions of this, there’s acaffeinated version, which i’m obviously taking, and there’s a non-caffeinated version.

if you have caffeine issues, then get thenon-caffeine stuff, but caffeine, i’m okay with caffeine. i’m going to get it in my coffee and i’mgoing to get it from here. i have stopped drinking any kind of energydrinks or taking any kind of multi-hour energy shots or whatever, so i’m not taking anyof that either. so, that’s good there. alright, so with all that i’ve said, whenmy friend told me about keto os, the first thing i did is i went out and i did a tonof research and when i say a ton of research people that know me know that i’m kind ofcrazy about doing research.

i’ve done over 40 hours of my own researchand i suggest you do the same. before you try anything new, before you buyanything or do anything, go out and do the research. i took some of the videos that i like themost and i put them on my website,, and then on the menu off to the right-handside is the word champion. just click on champion and there’s about20 different videos, there’s all kinds of, there’s videos that explain what ketosisis, explain why sugars are bad, why carbs convert to sugars, why we want to burn ketonesand not glucose. there’s a couple meryl streep videos onthere that talk about the positive effects

on childhood epilepsy. there’s a video on there that talks aboutalzheimer’s and the medical effects with ketones on that. there’s just a ton of good information. go do your own research and if not on my website,go and google it or go to youtube or whatever and look. there’s tons and tons and tons of doctorsand scientists that talk about ketosis, what it is and why ketones are good, and then youcan research that. and there’s also tons of pruvit videos andpeople that, testimonials, that talk about

all the positive effects that they’ve gottenfrom keto os. so, go do that. let’s see, what else? yeah, this is something. so, i had said at the beginning of this videothat i’ve tried lots of things and they’ve not worked or they’ve worked a little bit,but then i’ve gained weight. so, the first time i tried a diet, i weighed180 pounds and i wanted to get down to 150 and that was a long time ago. and i got into a diet and then after abouta year i was at 210.

so here you diet and then the payback youget is that you gain more weight. so, i didn’t, again, try to diet until about235. i got up to 235, and we’re talking aboutsome years that went by, this didn’t happen like overnight. i’m not fat because one day i woke up andi was all puffy and poof i was fat. i got fat over time by not taking care ofmyself and not eating a healthy diet. but at 235 i decided to lose some weight. i started doing 1500 calories a day and walkingor running 5 miles a day. i lost a bunch of weight, i think i got downto 210, and then the next time i remember

trying to think about dieting i was at 250. that was a long time ago as well. so, from 250 to about 265 i tried to dietagain and then last year, a year ago, about 14-15 months ago i was about 270 somethingand i had started having some pains walking through the airport, not like doubling overand not falling down, but just that burning sensation in my chest like i had just runa few miles. and this is just walking through the airport. and after a couple of weeks of that, thatstarted happening at home just going up and down the stairs and going out and checkingthe mail or pushing the mower around the yard

or whatever. so, i went in and had that checked out. they said i had a couple bad valves to myheart, that i was going to need some stents. long story short, they went in where they’dneed to put the stents, we’re at 10 out of 10 in difficulty, so the doctors actuallysuggested that i have open heart surgery. so, 14-15 months ago i did, i had open heartsurgery, i had double bypass and i’ve got the scar and everything. probably don’t want to show you that, butanyways, i got the scar. and they did do double bypass.

basically, my heart is good and strong, buti had bad arteries and i had two of them blocked 70%, one of them blocked 100%. the one that was blocked 100% was all theway down at the bottom and it wasn’t doing that much, so they left that alone, but wereplaced the two and they took a vein out of my leg and a vein out of my chest to replacethose. so, you would think coming out of that thati would be all geeked up about eating healthier and losing weight and all that, and i didinitially coming out of the hospital. my wife and i walked, i ate relatively healthy,and i gained weight. and i kind of went into a little bit of adepression, i don’t want to get into that

here, not kind of a functioning depression. i know people say, well, you never look depressed. go into the psychology behind it, there’slots of ways to be depressed and not look like you are. but anyways, when my friend found me at thetrade show in new orleans a couple of weeks ago, i was at 286.6 pounds, almost 287 pounds. morbidly obese is not even an exaggerationbeyond that. so, i’m very happy that i’m with this,i’ve got this, the weight’s going down, i’m going to continue with this.

i have found something that works for me. it’s not going to work for everybody, forwhatever reason, and i know people probably say “don’t’ say that, it’ll work foreverybody”. i don’t believe that. i believe that there’s certain diets andprograms that work for different people. and if this isn’t for you, then find somethingthat is, do your own research. find something that works for you. this works for me, find something that worksfor you. if you need any help or you have any questionsor i can help you in any way, send me an email

to and just my name,, that is my personalemail address and i’ll help you any way i can and, like i said, find something thatworks. thank you, take care.

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