hey guys, sean nalewanyj here of seannal.comand bodytransformationtruth.com, and in this video i want to go over the topic of incorporatinga refeed day into your fat loss diet as a way of improving your long term results. nowthis is a debated topic, so i’ll just be giving you my thoughts on it, i’ll be goingover what a refeed day is, the potential benefits, who should use them and how to structure themfor the best results. so to put it simply, a refeed day is a planned increase in yourtotal calorie intake for one day that you can add in certain intervals throughout yourcutting phase. this is not the same thing as a typical all out “cheat day†thata lot of other dieters use where they just go ahead and eat anything they want and inwhatever amount they want, that can often
be quite counterproductive for some people,a refeed day again is a controlled increase in calories where you still monitor your macronutrientsand you still keep your total food volume within certain limits. now, what is the pointof a refeed day? the idea behind this is basically to temporarily re-elevate levels of a hormonecalled “leptinâ€, which plays an important role in regulating a lot of things throughoutyour body including metabolic rate, hunger and energy levels. your body is always tryingto maintain a balanced state, and so as you continue to diet over time and maintain acalorie deficit, thoseleptin levels will gradually drop as basically a survival mechanism tospare fat, and the longer that you’ve been dieting for and the lower your body fat levelsdrop to, the further and further thoseleptin
levels will also go down with it. as a result,you end up with the typical “dieting side effects†that most people experience whenthey try to cut, that includes a slow-down in metabolic rate, an increase in appetite,a decrease in strength and energy, and even a decrease in your overall motivation levelsand your mood. so these effects are normal to a degree and you can’t eliminate themaltogether, but using a refeed day can temporarily offset them by increasing those leptin levels.so you’ll feel physically and mentally better, and you might also experience faster overallfat loss by slightly offsetting that slow down in metabolic rate. now that last pointis a debated topic, some people argue that the increase is small and only very temporary,while others who have had a fat loss plateau
absolutely swear by refeed days as a way tospeed up the process, but in any case, it’s definitely not going to hurt you if you doit properly, and in my experience the physical and mental boost that a refeed day gives you,it does make it a worthwhile technique to use for most dieters. since you’ll alwayshave that upcoming day to look forward to where you can go ahead and bump your caloriesup and enjoy certain foods that you might otherwise normally limit during your regularcutting diet, the chances of “accidental†binge eating go down and the overall processjust becomes more enjoyable for you. and on top of that, a refeed day is also going togive you a small increase in your glycogen levels, and that's going to improve your trainingperformance for a couple days after your refeed
is over. so how often should you refeed, wellthis varies from person to person, but basically the leaner you are and the longer that you’vebeen in a calorie deficit for, the more frequently you’ll likely want to do refeeds becausethe effects of the diet are going to be more severe on your body in that situation, andon the other hand, beginners who have a higher body fat percentages and who have not beendieting for very long, those people aren’t going to need to refeed as often (if it all)in the beginning stages. just as a general rule though, i'd say to go with a refeed dayonce every 1-2 weeks, that works well for most people, and again just going with thehigher or lower end depending on your level of leanness, how long you’ve been on yourdiet for, as well as how the diet is affecting
you individually. refeed days are not necessarilya must for everyone though, and if you’re just starting out, you'reconsistently losingfat each week, and you feel fine both physically and mentally, and you just have no real desireto eat more food, then you can definitely just skip over this technique for the timebeing and save it for later on when you might need it then. and as a side note, if you’rebulking or if you're just maintaining, then refeeds are not going to be necessary foryou. now, proper refeed day structure is pretty straightforward and i’d recommend just keepingit simple. the basic method that i would recommend is to just take your calories and increasethem back up to your calorie maintenance level, so roughly the number of calories that youwould need right now in order to maintain
your current weight, and from there just assignthose calories to carbohydrates, since carbs have the strongest effect on boosting up leptinlevels, whereas protein and fat are going to have a minimal impact there. so just takethe calorie increase and divide it by 4, and that's going to give you the additional gramsof carbohydrates to consume since carbs have 4 calories per gram. so if you went from acutting intake of 2000 calories and you bumped that up to a maintenance level of 2500, thenon your refeed day you’d keep protein and fat the same and you would just consume anextra 125 grams of carbs. and usually for cutting diets i just recommend going with1 gram of protein per pound of body weight daily, and 25% of your total calories fromfat. also keep in mind thatv after your refeed
is done you’re probably going to noticea small gain in body weight, but this is just a result of the increase in total food volumethat you're consuming, extra water retention and extra glycogen and that's going to decreaseover the following day or two. so that’s really all there is to it. refeeds are a goodway to maximize overall adherence to your diet long term by giving you short breakswhere you’ll get a nice boost in your energy and your mood and you'll get to enjoy someadditional food, and on top of that it might also have some direct effects on optimizingyour metabolic rate as well. so thanks for watching this video lesson, i hope you foundthe information useful here today. if you want to learn everything you need to knowin order to maximize your muscle building
and your fat burning progress when it comesto proper training, nutrition and supplementation, along with concrete step by step plans thatyou can follow, make sure to head over to bodytransformationtruth.com and grab my complete“body transformation blueprint†system by clicking the icon at the top of the videoor using the link in the description box below. if you did enjoy the video, as always, pleasemake sure to hit the like button, leave a comment and subscribe to stay up-to-date onfuture videos. and make sure to check out my official blog over at seannal.com for allof my latest articles, tips and other updates. talk to you again soon.
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