Friday, March 24, 2017

starting keto diet

starting keto diet

hey guys, it’s anthony. hey, just want to make a quick video justto kind of get you guys up to speed, basically just to give you something to know where tostart. i know that when i first kind of started takingthe keto os, i kind of learned things on my own and figured some stuff out. i got some guidance from my buddy, frank prieb,but i also had to go out there and kind of search some things out. so, i’m going to give you a few things tokind of help get you started and then by all means give me a call if you’ve got any questions.

you know, let me know and i’ll help youout. and as you hear or read things that make senseor don’t make sense, things that get you really excited or things that cause a lotof questions, let me know those too. i like to read the same things, frank sharesa lot of stuff, i share a lot of stuff on things that we read and what we’ve learned,so we collaborate a lot. as well as when i hear something that doesn’tmake sense or he hears something that doesn’t make sense, we go and share that informationalso. so here we go. so, you should either have received…

well, first off, this video is going to fourguys specifically. it’s going to mike machad, jean lidic, normlantona, and kenny spikes. the four of you guys are all coming onboardwith what i’m doing and with the weight loss that i have. mike’s not really looking to lose a wholelot of weight, but really more for sports performance and getting his family healthy. so, the rest of us all have tons of weightto lose. so, i’m just kind of putting all four ofyou guys together and kind of giving you, you know, here’s what i think you guys shoulddo to kind of get started.

so, you either should have your keto os oryou should be getting it this coming week. with the christmas holidays over the lastfew days of last week and new years and then the weekend and all that, you may not havegotten it yet, but if not you should have it this week. if you order it, it usually takes them 2-3days. i think i ordered on the 20th and got it onlike the 22nd or 23rd. so, it doesn’t take long and mike machadought to be getting his pretty quick because their warehouse is in dallas and he’s innorth dallas, so that ought to be pretty fast from that perspective.

but here’s what i do, first thing, takethe keto os. if you have any kind of caffeine issues, ifyou have any kind of supplement issues where you’ve gotten sick before or if you havean easily up-settable stomach, maybe take half a pack or half a scoop into some waterand try that out first and then see how that goes. i jumped right in, i just went in and justtook one right off the bat and i’ve been pretty much taking two a day. sometimes i forget, sometimes i’m on theroad and i don’t realize that i haven’t taken one and it’s 8 or 9 o’clock at night.

i now have the non-caffeinated version, sonow if that happens i’m still going to take it before i go to sleep, because i want thoseketones, those extra ketones in my body while i’m sleeping to help keep my fat burninggoing. so, i wake up, i’m still in ketosis, i’mstill fat burning. but before, when i only had the caffeinatedversion, i wasn’t take the caffeine late at night because i didn’t want to keep meawake. so, for step number one, start taking theketo os and then start kind of watching and seeing how you feel. lots of people say lots of different thingsabout what responses they get right off the

bat. for me, clarity, i got clarity of mind rightaway, i was able to not eat, the hunger pains and the cravings all started to go away. and this didn’t happen instantaneously,i mean, it might take a couple days, it might take a week. everybody’s different, everybody’s bodymetabolism is different and everybody’s body is beat up in different ways. i don’t think any of us have a body or asystem that is working properly, so it’s going to take some time, i know mine especially.

now, it didn’t take me a lot of time tostart seeing the positive effects. i mean, i was almost instantaneous for me. they ship them with a… you should get a little bottle of these ketonestrips and these are urine strips, so you basically pee on this and it’s going tochange color. it’s kind of like a pregnancy test, althoughi’m not pregnant, kind of look like it though. but anyway, that’ll give you an idea. if it’s more purple, you’re in the higherlevels of ketosis and if it’s less, then you’re less.

this is not a super accurate way, but thisis at least a way to know right off the bat. you should be able to take a keto os drinkand within an hour, hour and half an hour, hour and a half, you should be able to knowthat you’ve got ketones in your body and you’re on your way to ketosis. so, i still do these every now and then becausethe blood strips which are the most accurate way are kind of expensive. the ketone version, which is this one, thislittle bottle that goes to this nova max plus meter that i have, this does both ketonesand glucose. the glucose ones aren’t too bad; you canbuy them on amazon or in bulk at medical places

and get them for about 25 cents apiece. these are like 2 bucks, 2.25 each. so, if you’re doing this twice a day, that’s5 bucks and another one of these, you’re spending 6 bucks a day, you know, 30 days. that’s 180 bucks a month just in testing. so, what i’ve done is i’ve kind of cutback on doing the keto stuff all the time and if i just want to kind of know, i’lldo one of these and then i’ll do one of these maybe every other day or every coupleof days or whatever. so, that’s the second thing, is as soonas you start taking the keto os, do some of

these and prove to yourself that you’rein ketosis, but also get yourself a blood meter. now, this one, there’s a guy, jimmy moore,he’s all over the internet. living la vida low-carb is his blog, he’sgot podcasts, he’s got videos on youtube, he’s a great guy. you can learn a lot from his history and hisjourney. he doesn’t like this one. years ago, he kind of poopooed it and saidto buy this other one, precision extra i think is the one he likes, and i ended up buyingthis anyways.

i don’t know why, i just ended up gettingthis one. so, this is the one i’m using. it seems to be accurate for me, i may switchto the other one, but this is pretty decent. your little blood thing, you load this upwith a little spike thing, prick your blood, get a little blood, put it on the strip, waitfor it to read, then put the other strip in, put a little blood on it, boom, you’re done. this will give you the best accurate readingof where you are with your blood, your ketones, and with your blood glucose. so, you’ll know from both of these whereexactly you’re at and that’s what’s

helped me meter my… now, you’ll need these. these are the little spikes that go in thatlittle pin. i think mine came with these. you just twist of the top and it’s got alittle pin in there and then i bought these and these both fit in there and they twistoff. i don’t know if they’re all universalor not, but if you want to know specifically what i bought, let me know and i’ll sendyou the link. but those are the first two things i do, starttaking the keto os, start testing your blood,

start cutting back on your carbs. now, i would go… just about started looking for my phone andi’m using my phone to video this, so yeah. i would start off also with the my fitnesspal app if you’re not using an app just to track your food. and the first thing i would say is to startgetting your carbs down. if you guys love carbs and you’re saying,oh man, i don’t if i can cut all the breads out and all that. over time, you’re going to figure out thatyou’re going to want to do that and you’ll

want to do it naturally. so, i’m not going to be this guy that says,day one, no more carbs, you’re never going to eat carbs. you know, whatever. if you want something, eat it. i mean, the bottom line, we all have to liveand i’m not living to just eat grass or whatever somebody tells me. i don’t care if it’s going to make melive to 150, i’m going to eat what i want to eat.

but i don’t want to eat the carbs and breadsbecause i know what it does to my blood sugar, right? so, when i eat something, like i had somesushi so that had some rice in it, then i took my blood later on that night and boom,my glucose level was high. so, i know what the cause and effect is. so, that’s why i really like testing myblood and knowing where i’m at. so, i would suggest you guys do that, butstart cutting back the carbs. what i first tried to do, i went backwardand i put in a couple days of what i had eaten before i had decided to do this and just tosee where i was at.

and the day before i started this, so thatwould be october 19th or 20th, i think i started this on october 21st, so october 20th i had300 grams’ worth of carbs. and it wasn’t like i sat down and ate awhole pizza, it was just regular food, but there was 300 grams of carbs in it. so, i made a commitment that day to get under100 the next day and then to stay under 100 until i kind of stabilized at that level andthen i’d try to go lower than that. and that wasn’t too hard to do. i ate more salad, i ate more vegetables, ididn’t eat anything breaded or fried, i didn’t eat any bread or pasta and boom,i was under 100.

that was pretty easy. but get under 100 and then try to work yourway to being under 50. now, some people say you need to be under20 or under 30. again, i’m not the extremist. most days, i’m under 50, some days i’m60, i may even shoot up to 100. again, we’re going to live, so somedaysyou’re going to be up, and i think it’s actually good. i think it’s kind of like training. if you train a certain way day in, day out,day in, day out, you hit a plateau, but if

you change it up so really restricted carbs,really, really, really restricted and then every now and then you bump up one day a littlebit, i don’t think that’s bad. am i ever going to go back to eating pastathe way i used to eat pasta or breads or whatever? probably not. am i ever going to not have naan at an indianrestaurant? i had some when i was traveling a few weeksago, a little triangle. i didn’t eat 3 or 4 of them and i didn’teat a loaf of bread and i didn’t eat two big old bowls of pasta, but i had a littletriangle of naan. so, i knew it was going to push my glucoseup, but i was willing to pay that price.

make decisions. this is not intended, in my plan it certainlyis not, this is the only way to do it. figure out what works for you. right now, i’m not eating very much fruit. i’m not eating very much fruit because,in testing my blood, i know that i’m having a difficult time getting my glucose under100. this morning or it’s already like noon or11:30 or something, but it was 109 and i was 1.0 on the ketone meter, which is good because.5 is in ketosis, 1 is good, 2 and 3 is better, but again moderation.

but i’m not eating fruit, especially sugaryfruit, because i know that i already have a challenge. so, once i get my blood glucose down intothe 75, into the 65, 75-80 range, i’ll probably add some more fruit back. i probably will never go back to drinkingorange juice, because it’s liquid sugar and that’s why some people that have theopposite issue that i have drink orange juice. i won’t drink any orange juice because itwill absolutely cause my glucose to go through the ceiling, but i’ll probably go back toeating oranges every now and then and apples every now and then.

now, if i do have fruit, i have berries. i have blackberries, blueberries or maybestrawberries and i don’t have very many and i maybe have them with some yoghurt ori have them with some dark chocolate. so, i really don’t eat a lot of fruit rightnow. i’m eating a lot of meat and protein, especiallyfatting meat. so, i’m eating steak with the fat on, i’meating pork chops with the fat on, i’m eating chicken with the skin on, i’m eating salmonand tuna. and then in vegetables i’m eating broccoli,cauliflower, asparagus, salads. the greener the salad, the better it is nutritionallyfor you.

so, if you can eat spinach and kale and arugulaand those things, those are better for you than iceberg lettuce. iceberg lettuce is like a green, yellow, andwhitish color and the whiter it is, the less nutrients there is in it. all of the nutrients are in the green part. so, i still eat iceberg lettuce, i’m goingto go eat a taco salad here in a little bit. i’m going to throw some pork ribs on mytaco salad just to make sure i get enough protein and enough fat in there. probably going to take a couple boiled eggsand put them in my taco salad as well just

to have that as well. you know, on the atkins diet, a lot of peopleare talking about eating bacon and eggs every day and all that. i like bacon and eggs and i eat bacon andeggs and i’m not scared of eggs. go and do some research on eggs and you’llfind out that it’s one of the most nutritionally dense foods there are. the whole idea that eggs give you cholesterolis bs. go research it for yourself, you’ll figureit out. bacon, bacon still isn’t super great foryou.

it’s a good fat, but it also has a lot ofsodium in it. so, don’t go and… sheryl’s coming in here to ask me a question,hang on. okay, so, where was i? diet. so, eat good food, eat salads, eat vegetables,broccoli, cauliflower, just look at the carb content and the glycemic index and the lowerthe carb on the vegetables and the lower the sugar on the vegetables, the better. again, if there’s something that you really,really like, eat it.

i’m not eating any grains, i’m not eatingany pasta, i’m not eating corn, i’m not eating rice, i’m not eating sugar. i still have some stevia and i might put somestevia in some things if i make a dip or i don’t know what i put stevia into, somethingsweet or whatever, but for the most part i don’t put any sugar in anything. soda wise i pretty much don’t drink sodasanymore, although i do have one every now and then, especially when i’m on the roadi end up having one or two if i’m gone for a week. if i’m at home, maybe i’ll have one.

we’ve got some in the garage, but i’mnot drinking it. there’s lots of bad things about sodas. sugared, diet, whatever, you pick your poison. they’re both not good for you for variousdifferent reasons, one being the sugar, but one also being lots of other chemicals andthings that they have in them. the other thing, don’t… and take all this with great insult, do whatyou want to do, i’m just trying to give you some ideas. but don’t go and make your family do whatyou’re doing, especially.

one of the things that i decided that i wasgoing to have to be able to do on any kind of lifestyle change was i was going to haveto be able to do it if my family did it or not. so, i did not go and throw away all the chipsand cookies and snack stuff. as a matter of fact, i didn’t throw awayanything, all the breads and pastas and all that good fun stuff, it’s all still there. if i can’t live in a house that’s gotthat stuff without me eating that stuff, then it’s just not going to work for me. and it’s also a little bit of proof thatthat’s not willpower or a lack of willpower.

now that i have my keto os and now that i’min a general state of ketosis, they call it keto adapted, now that i’m keto adaptedwhere i’m almost always in ketosis, i just don’t have the craving. so, the fact that we have some cookies upstairs,the fact that we have bread or pasta, it’s just not that big a deal. i’m just not that hungry, i’m eating morefor nutritional value. i do still like very savory foods and veryhigh-quality foods, so i’m kind of doing gourmet on the stuff that i am eating. so, if i’m going to eat something, i’mgoing to make it taste really, really good

for whatever that is. so, we’ve made meatballs and the kids havepasta with it. i just have the meatballs and the sauce andmozzarella cheese on top of it and then a salad, i had that over some fried cauliflower,that was pretty good too. we had chicken and rice the other day. i didn’t have the rice, i had chicken overfried cauliflower with the gravy and everything on it. so, pick your poison, but the biggest thingis cut back on your carbs and cut back on your sugars.

the first week that i cut back on my carbsfrom that 300 to under 100, i lost a pound a day. so, i went from 286, which was morbidly obese,to i dropped 8 and a half pound. so, i dropped to like 280 in the first week. in the end, the weight loss kind of sloweddown a little bit. i could speed it up. honestly, if i was more restrictive, if iexercised, if i did a lot of different things, i could make that more. but i actually don’t want to lose weighttoo fast.

about 2.2 pounds a week, 2-3 pounds a week,10 pounds a month. that seems to be what i can find out therethat’s relatively healthy. it gives your body time to adjust as you keepcoming down on the weight. don’t worry too much that you’re not losing5 pounds. this isn’t wrestling weight cutting. i mean, we all know that we can cut some weight. this isn’t weight cutting. this is losing fat. so, know that that’s the overall plan.

and again, i think i said earlier, if youhave any questions or you hear something that doesn’t make sense, let me know. i’m continuing to study a ton. i’m going to send each one of you a bookthat i just finished, i bought the audio version of it on, but it’s called “grainbrain” and it’s really good. it really talks about the effects of sugaron your different bodily functions, but the effects of sugar on your brain and alzheimer’sdisease and all these mental issues and ailments that are caused by sugar in grains. so basically about carbs, because sugar isa carb.

basically, about these refined carbs and mainlybecause man has totally screwed up these carbs, but also because it’s only been the last50 years or so that we’ve been eating nearly as many carbs and only probably the last 20-25years that we’ve been eating as many carbs as we are now. back in the day, they didn’t eat that manycarbs and they didn’t eat that many fruits. they ate fruit in season, which is 2-3 monthsout of the year in some part of the country and then they ate protein and fat. so, study all that you can, ask me questions,take it in moderation. this isn’t a sprint; this isn’t somethingcrazy.

start taking the keto os, start testing yourblood, also get yourself a blood pressure cup and start testing your blood pressure. you want to make sure that you know whereyour blood pressure is. this will also help you know what effectsfood have on your blood pressure. salt tends to increase your blood pressureand so do other foods, sodium rich foods. salt is needed in your body to move thingsaround. so, you need a certain amount of salt. so, don’t start cutting salt out completely,but cut table salt out completely. go to the sea salt or the pin himalayan saltand use that.

so, i use sea salts and himalayan salt. i still don’t salt things a lot, but i don’tshy away. like my bacon i still like to buy sodium,low sodium bacon, because i don’t want it to be that salty. but i might put salt on some vegetables orif i’m going to make a steak i’m going to salt and pepper the steak and put someother seasonings on it. so, i’m not going to stay completely awayfrom salt. let’s see, what else? oh, fitbit.

if you don’t have a fitbit or some kindof meter to monitor your sleeping, your number of steps and exercise in a day, i stronglysuggest that you get one. you can use your phone, there’s some phoneapps, i just haven’t found those to work very well. this is the low-end fitbit. this was a hand-me-down, my daughter usedit, then my wife used it, and then now i’ve got it. i think this one’s like 70 bucks, 70-75dollars on amazon or out there wherever. this one does not have a heartrate monitorin it.

if you can afford it, i would say get theone with the heartrate monitor in it and that’s maybe another 100 bucks or another 75 or whatever,but i’d get the one with the heartrate monitor because i’m missing that. but that’s not that big a deal, but i wouldlike to know that my heartrate is resting and sleeping and all that good fun stuff. so, i’ll probably be upgrading this eventually,but i’ve gotten very used to wearing this. one charge goes for 5 or 6 days, so it’snot one of those things that i forget to charge all the time, because i do, but i only needto charge it once every 5 days. so, that works out pretty good.

and then send me emails, give me a call, shootme stuff, let me know what you need from that perspective, but it’s all pretty simple. take your keto os twice a day, once between6 and 9 am if you can and then once again around 4:00 pm. 2:00 to 4:00, 3:00 to 5:00. i usually eat my last meal of the day somewherearound 7:00 or 8:00 o’clock at night, so i want to take my keto os before that, buti have taken it at the same time and i’ve taken it with that non-caffeinated versioni’ve even take in later. let me know how things are progressing. i’m posting all my stuff out there on facebook,that’s me, i don’t care if people know

if i’m losing weight or they think i’mcrazy, i just don’t really care. it’s keeping me honest, it’s keeping meposting stuff out there and it’s helping me. i waited today… i drove adam back to school yesterday up tocharlotte and i didn’t have a great day eating, i ate early because i was hungry. so, i had a couple fried eggs and some baconfor breakfast around 9:30 i think and then around 2:00 o’clock, before i took adamback to school, i had a taco salad with not shell, just in a bowl and i had avocado andsour cream.

and i did make it with some ground turkeybecause that’s what we used to make it with, i’m starting to add back in ground hamburgerso that i get those fats in there, but that was turkey. and then later on that night, adam was hungryso we stopped at about 7:30 and i pulled through zack’s pizza and he got some wings and hegot 10 wings, i got 5 of their wimpy wings with just the wing sauce. the wing sauce tends to have a lot less sugarand a lot less carbs in it. and then i also got their grilled chickensandwich without the bun, so it was a piece of chicken, a slice of cheese, and lettuceand tomato.

so, i had that, that was my dinner, and theni think adam and i shared a fountain drink, which i probably shouldn’t have done becausei could tell how sweet it was and it didn’t taste very good. so, i ended up drinking mainly water, butwe bought that. so, i had 3 meals yesterday, so i was thinkingthat today i probably wouldn’t have much of a weight loss. i did stop off and walk for about an hourand 15 minutes and spent about 10 or 15 minutes doing a couple exercises at a couple machinesat fitness 19 before i came home, because i stayed up in charlotte, got up in the morningand drove back this morning.

but i’m even, i’m exactly 261.1 is whati was yesterday and i’m 261.1 today and i suspect tomorrow i’ll have a weight lossbecause i’m at home all day and i’ll be able to control things. and i haven’t had anything to eat yet todayand it’s about, like i said, 11:30-12:00 o’clock and i’m just now starting to geta little bit hungry, so i’m good there. alright, so this is like 20 something minutes,i meant it to be like 10, so i’m going to cut off here because i’m rambling. but let me know. i’m sending the book to your address fromwhat i know from what i know from usa wrestling.

so, if your address is wrong in usa wrestling,let me know. if you want to get the audio version, i listento the audio versions because i can speed them up and i can listen to them in the car,i can listen to them on a plane, i can listen to them when i’m sitting at my office. if you go to amazon and sign up for an amazonprime account, they’ll give you a 3-month free subscription to and you canget up to 3 books for free, one a month, and so your first book you could get the “grainbrain” book and you could listen to it. but if your address is wrong or whatever,get with me so that i don’t send it to the wrong address, but i’ll probably send thoseout as of later on today.

so, hope this finds you well. if you’ve got any questions, you need anything,let me know and that’s that. thanks, you guys.

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