i’m taking keto os for about 4 months nowand i’ve hit a brick wall, i can’t lose any weight. have you heard that? have you heard somebody like that? well, it kind of happened to me and i wantedto make a quick video and kind of give you some perspective. again, i have been taking keto os for morethan 4 months now, lost weight consistently every week up until a few weeks ago when istarted traveling again and i was traveling extensively.
i travelled for about 4 weeks back to backto back to back and i thought i was doing pretty good on the road. i was eating relatively healthy, still wasn’teating carbs, i wasn’t bread, wasn’t eating pasta, wasn’t eating fried breaded stuff,was eating what i thought was healthy. and i got back each week and i hadn’t lostany weight. now, i hadn’t gained any weight, so thatwas at least a positive. and i kind of got down on myself a littlebit, here’s another week went by, you haven’t done anything, you haven’t lost any weight. and rather than blaming the product or blamingwhoever, i decided to sit down and really
look at the situation and look at myself andsay, okay, it was working before, what’s changed? what am i doing differently? be honest, what are you not doing? and so, as i started kind of writing downthis little checklist of what have i been doing, what have i been doing right, whathave i been doing wrong, i noticed that and i didn’t really realize this until i reallysat down to start writing it down like day by day, did i take my keto os two times aday? what did i eat?
when did i eat? how much did i eat? what kind of foods did i eat? and not so much did i eat too much, but didi eat the right kind of food? did i eat a high fat food? did i eat moderate protein? did i eat too many carbs? did i eat too much sugar? and as i started going down the list and lookingat possible reasons why i wasn’t losing
any weight, it was very evident, i had notbeen taking my keto os every day. i’d been taking it once a day, there waseven days i skipped it altogether, because i was on the road and i’d get busy and i’dforget to take the packets with me and i would take any in the morning and then i’d takeon in the afternoon and then i’d forget because i’d have a customer dinner. i stopped doing my keto coffee or bulletproofcoffee. i think i maybe did that once or twice a week. and i also stopped doing any kind of exercise. now, i’ve not really been exercising, i’vebeen walking a few days a week.
i’ve been using this fitbit and i keep tellingpeople that i’m doing that, but i’ve noticed that my steps have went down. i had been averaging about 6,000-7,000 stepsand working towards getting to 10,000 and i noticed that in that time period, yes, ihad some days where i had 8,000 or 10,000 or 11,000 steps in a day, especially duringconferences where i walked around a lot, but then there were days were i had 2,000 stepsor 3,000 steps. i also realized that i had not been doingany kind of exercise whatsoever. i had not been walking, i had not been goingto the gym or doing anything. i had started going to the gym a couple ofdays a week.
so, for that time during my travel, i reallyhadn’t done of that. so, i decided to kind of reboot the systemand see if i could get back on track. so, i went back to doing 2 ketos os’s aday, i went back to having my bulletproof coffee, and i’m alternating between my ketocream and my full-fledged bulletproof coffee with the kerrygold butter and the coconutoil and having that. and that seems to work for me, to bounce betweenthe two. i like the keto cream when i’m travelingbecause it’s easy. i don’t travel with butter or coconut oil,but when i’m at home, i actually like the butter and the coconut oil in my coffee.
and i’m not a super big coffee drinker,so i actually have to remind myself to drink my coffee and to drink it within a short periodof time, otherwise i end up reheating it. and i don’t know if that has anything todo with the contents, but i just don’t want to be drinking one cup of coffee or two cupsof coffee or a cup and a half, whatever it mixes up to be, over a whole day. so, i did, i really buttoned down. i started taking my keto os twice a day. i started taking my keto coffee or bulletproofcoffee every day. i started, i walked a little bit a coupletimes, not jumped on and started doing anything
crazy, but just started trying to get my stepsup and get it back up to 5 or 6 thousand steps a day and then i walked on the treadmill ithink 2 or 3 times in the last week or so for like a half an hour to 45 minutes. and that’s really been good because what’shappened is, boom, i got right back into it. so, i got down to 253 pounds from 286.6. good jump right in the beginning, lost a bunchof weight the first 9 days and then i was consistently losing about 2.2 pounds a weekand then i had about a 3-week, 3 and a half week stretch where i didn’t lose any weightand it was 253, i might be 253.2, i might be 252.8, but it was right there at 253 constantly.
and then i rebooted, and when i rebooted veryquickly within a couple days, i started going down again. i got down to 250, i got under the magic markof 250 and i got down to where i am today, 248.4. the lowest i’ve been in, gosh, i don’tknow, probably at least 8 years. so, i just want to make this quick video tosay if you think you’ve hit a brick wall, really evaluate what’s going on, reallyevaluate what you’re doing, because more than likely there’s a whole bunch of smallthings going on. i was eating relatively healthy, but i waseating out, i was eating at restaurants, who
knows what they put in their food, even intheir vegetables. you get sautã©ed vegetables, but you don’tknow what kind of salt they’re putting in there, what kind of other preservatives they’reputting in there, in their meat, you don’t know the quality of their meat, you don’tknow where they get their produce from. you know, the quality of the seasonings they’reusing. i’m convinced that if you ate the same mealat home and the same meal out on the road, that the meal at home would be healthier foryou because you know what you put into it. so, i just want to make that quick video. i’m back on track.
will i stay on track? will i fall off and have another week or twoweeks or a period of time where i’m not losing weight? probably. my body’s changing, things are changing,some things i’m doing now that help me lose weight i’m going to have to change later. in the very beginning, i didn’t have todo any exercise at all. now i do need to get my calorie count, getmy exercise count up so that my calorie count can stay where it’s at.
i don’t want to eat less; i don’t wantto eat… i don’t want to count calories and do allthat. so, as i start getting leaner and leaner,i’m going to have to add back more exercise. that just helps your whole body work and helpsthings work better. so hopefully somebody gets something out ofthis. i just thought it was pretty amazing thatwithin a couple days of just getting right back on track, i was back to losing weightagain. so, if you’ve stalled, if you’ve hit abrick wall and you can’t lose any weight, really look at what’s going on.
be honest with yourself, that’s the toughestpart is to say, alright, what did i really do? did i really do the things i’m supposedto do? and if you think you are and it’s not workingfor you, try tweaking it. maybe you do need to walk some more, maybeyou do need to cut back your calories some more. maybe you do need to increase your fat somemore. definitely look at what works for you. what worked for me was staying on this regimen,2 keto os’s a day, bulletproof coffee every
morning. i’d eat 2 meals a day, high in fat, moderateprotein, low carb, no sugar, as much as i possibly can and make everything god’s food,as fresh as i possibly can make it. nothing in a box, nothing in a bag, as freshas i possibly can. i hope this helped, take care.
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