Friday, March 31, 2017

yoplait diet plan

yoplait diet plan

oh, greek would be good tonight. i should learn greek! move to greece, buy a farm, and make my ownfeta cheese! i shall call you..."stavros." get carried away with al fresco chicken sausage. al fresco. eat better.

will i lose weight on ketogenic diet

will i lose weight on ketogenic diet

hello and welcome back to my channel today i'm going to be sharing the long awaited three-month keto diet update. before i get to that if you are new to my channel i am on the low-carb keto diet and i share all kinds of keto lifestyle inspiration recipes meal ideas what i each day, grocery hauls, all kinds of things so subscribe and join the

yummy inspirations community. and today i have for you my three-month keto update. i will leave down below links to my two month and my one month update and just like with before today is unscripted uneditied, i am talking to you about my three months of keto, so let's just get into it so the third month how did i go well fantastic i love it

i'm loving this diet more and more and more everyday although i really hate calling it a diet it's a way of life and a couple of changes that happened this month the first one is i no longer to count my macros or my calories. i kind of found myself counting less and less. and kind of gauging and after a

couple of months i know i'm in a routine i kind of have the same things for breakfast it's usually eggs of some description which i've shared heaps with you the past. lunch will be salad usually or if i'm out about probably bunless burger and then dinner will usually be my meat of the day or chicken or if i have a meat free monday something like

cauliflower mac and cheese. and so that its kind of set in my ways if i need a snack in between i go strawberries and cream or some nuts and i feel quite comfortable doing that because for me in the past when i've been on diet and i've counted calories or counted points or counted whatever macros, i find when i'm on diet then i can go

off diet and as soon as i stopped counting the weight it comes back on with interest so i found it more beneficial to really learn i spent my first two months really learning my foods and a third month i spent just enjoying myself and so when it comes to weight loss the first month i lost five

kilos second months two and a half and this third month another two-and-a-half so the total is at 10.4 kilos which i am so happy with. i have noticed a massive difference in myself my clothing is fitting on me loose. i have been on a couple of shopping trips i'm trying to sort of cut back on shopping and went into a little bit

smaller because my clothes kind of fit me for now and i'm just enjoying my wardrobe this dress i got recently a new dress and i love it and i feel so good in it and i'm getting smaller and smaller sizes which is amazing and i've taken a couple of photos of myself with before when i first started and kind of now and i when i look at the difference it's

it's mind-boggling. i feel i believe i lost more than ten point four kilos i have taken measurements those have come down as well although it's yeah not not much as i had thought in my waist in my hips but then i do feel like my legs are more muscular arms and more muscular and i'm just feeling so much smaller when it looks like more than 10 kilos it feels

more than 10 kilos. and really what does a number on the scale mean when i feel amazing and when i've had other amazing health benefits one benefit which i have found as that is progressed from month to month is my period. so sorry guys the thirty-five percent of my viewers who are male just like skip the next few minutes we just yet

i'm talking period i'm going there because they say that the period once period menstrual cycle it is a indication of your overall health and yes i've had period pain and you know it on and off and this and that and everything but time i found my periods are much lighter i feel it just feels so different i feel a lot less pain taking

a lot less panadol to get through the first couple of days and there are ya lot lighter i just feel healthier and it's difficult to explain that i just it just feels so much more it's like clockwork every month. can't believe i'm talking about this but yeah your period is a huge part of your

health and yeah okay moving on from here its other health benefits definitely my hair definitely how i feel every day definitely my energy and i feel amazing what more there is to say that about the health benefits i haven't felt this good in forever. i am 35 and i feel like i'm in my twenties i'm keeping up with my little six and eight year old boys i'm

running around with him i am not tired through the day i the other day when i haven't had a good night's sleep and i have that sort of tired feeling which happened from time to time i forget that lived in this exhausted haze for so long it's just amazing how i just feel i have energy am i'm staying up late because

i'm not exhausted and crashing at seven o'clock i just feel so good so health benefits aside from the weight loss is it's amazing and yes it is slower and i'm shared a video a few weeks ago about not comparing your weight loss to others so yeah i'm at 10.4 kilos in three months for some people that might sound like a lot and for other people they

might think you should have lost more during that time come on your low-carb lost 10 kilos a month doing something else well you know what good for you whatever works for you works for you and i found that low carb way of life works for me. amazing doing it i really look at it as a marathon not a sprint

i don't care if it takes me out a year if i lose two kilos a month and in a year i get to my goal weight or thereabouts-- doesn't matter it took me a year to be three months or six months no i'm happy doing it. i'm the one every day that has to be eating and have to be doing it this way and if it means i'm not counting calories and i'm

not counting my macros and it's much slower but i can maintain it in the long term that is huge thing because i've been on so many diets where you count your calories and as soon as you start counting calories or you look forward to going off the diet it all just comes back on and that's the thing is i don't look forward to going

back and eating normally i'm not tempted to cheat i'm quite happy having my strawberries and cream and i'm not tempted i had no these are the holiday this is the holiday period and every one is tempted by all kinds of things around and i've been to my fair share of parties and family gatherings in the last few weeks and i just not tempted

i'll take my own food, i'll eat before i want to eat, i'll have conversation i'll have some veg i had some strawberries it doesn't affect me what i'm doing i feel so good it's not about cheating and thinking i'll put the weight back on for me i don't want to go back to feeling the way that i was feeling whether i slip into

that from eating one wrong food or just spiraling out of control or just know i'm happy eating this way and i'm going to just keep doing this and i thank you all so much for your amazing comments on my channel over the past couple of months as my channel has grown, i just really appreciate every single comment that gets left and sharing my journey

with you, knowing that there's others going through what i'm going through in the slow and steady weight loss and that's the thing as well is that i have held onto his weight for the better part of my life so i'm not anticipating losing it quickly. i'm happy i have a kind of routine i lose a kilo or 2 and then it stays the same and i chill for a few

weeks a lot of it has to do with my cycle but i'm talking periods anymore today so i'm quite happy doing what i'm doing coasting along and losing with the rate i'm losing it and and finding new fun recipes and i'm sharing with you a new equipment and looking forward to having a play with that egg cooker i got the other day in the next few days. it's

just opened the whole world and if i haven't said it i'm just saying again i love this way of eating and that's kind of my three-month update. stopped counting calories and macros and kind of doing what i'm doing lost another 2.5 kilos somewhere 10.4 kilos in total. measurements coming down, feeling smaller, feeling like a

feeling better and all of that so there you go. thank you for watching my three month on keto diet update if you've got any questions or comments please leave them down below i really enjoy communicating with you and joining and sharing this community that's being built here so please take it to the questions take it to the comments

and look forward to reading your comments and your experience on the keto diet and if you're not already subscribed to my channel make sure that you subscribe and join this yummy inspirations community and make sure that you leave a like, leave a thumbs up for me i really appreciate it and we'll see you soon bye

whats keto

whats keto

what's up, guys? jeff cavalier, today we're going to commit a murder. we'regoing to kill four nutrition myths that need to die. they needed to die a long time agowhen it comes to building muscle. okay, let's start off with our first one andthat is "fats make you fat". guys, eating a lot of fat makes you fat, just like eatinga lot of carbs will make you fat, eating a lot of protein will make you fat, and eatinglots and lots of food in excess of your caloric maintenance level will make you fat. we've talked about, in order to lose fat youhave to be in a hypocaloric state. eating fats on their own is not going to cause aproblem unless you're eating them in excess.

here's a little caveat when it comes to fats,however, that maybe confuses people. that is that fats on a gram by gram basis– you've probably heard this a million times – are more calorically dense than a gramof carbohydrates or a gram of protein. for every gram of fats you're looking at 9 calories,versus the 4 calories of protein, or 4 calories of carbohydrates. because of that you can't eat as many fats,or at least as much food containing fats as you might be able to of the other two. peoplethat indulge in a lot of fats might find that eating high quantities of these can make themfat. it’s not the fat molecule itself that'smaking you fat. please, don't avoid healthy

fats. they are a major constituent of everycell in our body. you need them and you need them for optimal growth and hormones to beable to produce maximum muscle growth. do not make this mistake; let's kill thisone right away. next up, one i can't wait to actually personally throw a shovel fullof dirt on is this idea or concept that you can't eat past 6:00 pm, or you're going toget fat. you're going to turn into a big fat pumpkin because you eat after a certain periodof time in the day; you're cut off at night. it's garbage. guys, remember your body willutilize those calories if you're within your caloric maintenance level. if we still have600-1000 calories, we don’t have to get into the nuances of calorie counting. i cantell you all about how we can keep that much

simpler, but we'll do that in a whole othervideo. the idea is, if we're still below our caloricmaintenance levels, whether or not we eat those calories after 6:00 pm, or even 8:00pm, or as i can even vouch for myself, i've been eating dinner almost every single nightat 10:30 for the last three months. it has had no impact on my body fat levels. if anything,i feel i'm leaner in the last few months than i have been at any point in my life. it doesn’t all of a sudden trigger justbecause the clock says that it's after a certain point that you're going to start putting onbody fat. your body is still utilizing those calories regardless of what time in the dayyou eat them. i will give you one big caveat,

though when it comes to your delivery andyour timing of your meals. from a blood sugar stability standpoint – imade this point very clear on this channel multiple times – your blood sugar stabilityis paramount as a guy who trains athletes, when it comes to optimizing performance. youdon’t want to be in a low blood sugar state when you're trying to drive and illicit greatperformances from athletes. i think the same thing should apply to usas human beings. if you want to optimize your function, your level of focus throughout theday, supplying your brain with the fuels it prefers at a regular interval by keeping yourblood sugar stable is done by providing yourself with more frequent meals. it has nothing todo with your ability to either store fat,

or burn fat because you're eating later inthe day. so let's quickly, please, throw one more shovelof dirt on that one and bury that forever. the next myth up is one that actually comesin the form of a question often. that is: can you build muscle if you're following avegan based eating plan? the idea is: no you can't. i wonder, "why not?" let's start with thatthere's at least a certain level of intensity needed in your workouts and if you're providingthat level of intensity to stimulate new muscle growth, a vegan following a sound nutritionplan will be able to build muscle because they can still get their protein necessaryfor building muscle in a vegan based eating

plan. there's plenty of sources, and vegans thatare already following a vegan based lifestyle know them very well. they could be hummus,or chick peas, they could be quinoa, and they could even be protein based supplements thatare pea proteins. so they're vegan based protein powders that they rely on to get the proteinneeded. even then, how much protein is actually needed? that varies from individual to varies conservatively. some estimates say even half a gram per pound of body weightup to a gram per pound of body weight. i even hear people say a gram and a half per poundof body weight. i think that's a bit excessive,

but it doesn't matter. the idea that if vegans are supporting hardtraining – that's the prerequisite – hard training, just like everybody else with asound nutrition plan that has protein in it from vegan based sources; who cares? you canabsolutely build muscle. if you, or someone you know is looking or pondering the idea,don’t let somebody talk you out of it because they're telling you that you can't build musclethat way. it's a complete myth. finally, tying intothis whole concept on supplementation, there's a belief out there that supplements will getme ripped. i actually had a college roommate who did nothing, never worked out, used toshow up with his bottle of fat burners and

think "i'm all set. i'm good to go. i've gotmy fat burners." he used to even think about spot reduction in his belly from taking hisfat burners. guys, if you have an aversion to eating healthyand to having a sound approach to nutrition: forget your supplements. your supplementswon't do anything. remember, supplements are supposed to supplement a good nutrition plan.if a good nutrition plan is in place, supplements can make a big impact on your level of bodyfat. as i've said many times before, they provideyou the option for a consistency level that might not exist otherwise. again, for someonewho is always on the road, running around from place to place, i rely on my supplementsto keep me lean 365 days a year. they provide

a level of consistency for me when i may beat a loss for what to eat, or may not have direct access to something that's very consistentwith what i want to eat. i know that my supplements provide me withthat option. the second thing i think supplements do is: they create an accountability factorfor you early in the day. if i take my pre-workout, rx1, in the morning i already feel like i'minvested in the idea that i'm on this path today to make sure that i continue my goalsof eating well to support my hard training and to keep me looking the way i look. by doing that i'm much more reluctant – i'vefound over the years – to really stray off that path. i feel like i've invested boththe money, and i've invested the time to take

to follow a good nutrition plan. don't screwit up now. keep everything going. i find a lot of guys feel that same way about it. ifyou are looking to have supplements be the reason why you lose body fat then i wouldsay just look elsewhere. but if you're committed to your nutritionplan and are willing to take that extra step to try to speed up, or enhance what you'reseeing from your current approach to nutrition; supplements can play a big part in that aswell. as i say all the time, that is what my approach has always been, even with myown supplements, how i approach my day of eating and how they fit into it. there youhave it. if you, like me, are happy that we've finallythrown dirt on these four myths – as a matter

of fact, you even got one last kick in yourselfto make sure this thing stayed down – that's great. make sure you leave your comments andthumbs up below. in the meantime, let me know what else you want to see, what other typesof videos you want me to cover here on this channel. i'll be more than happy to do so. we have a complete nutrition plan in our athlean-xfactor meal plan that will help you to cut through a lot of the bs when it comes to nutritionand simplify it. it doesn't have to be all that complicated, and you'll get the resultsthat you want to see. it's the one i follow 365 days a year. you can get that at athleanx.comand our athlean-x training systems. all right, guys. i'll be back here real soon.i'll see you.

what's ketosis

what's ketosis

medically speaking, starvation occurs when a body doesn't get enough calories and nutrients; whether brought on by poverty, famine, being lost at sea, voluntary hunger strikes or medical conditions, the physiology of starvation follows the same process no matter the cause. and it really is a process: it takes time to starve to death. without oxygen, our bodies shut down in five or ten minutes. without water, we can last maybe a couple days -- a week at most. but depending on the circumstances, a person might go as long as two months without any food at all. during this time the body passes through three distinct metabolic phases as it desperately tries to stay alive until it finds food again.

phase one is where your body picks thelowest hanging fruit, energy-wise through glucose burning. in your normal well-fedstate your body breaks down glycogen molecules to produce glucose: thefriendly carbohydrate that keeps your cells well-fed and functioning. the average person can typically goabout six hours after feeding in the glucose burning phase before they startfeeling hungry, and probably grumpy. at that point yourbody has burned through all that lunchtime glucose and is turning towardfatty acids: the building blocks of fat moleculesstored in your tissues to fuel itself.

this, which kicks off the first bigmetabolic shift as your body enters phase two of starvation: fat burning. the fat-burning phase canlast from days to weeks. during this stage called ketosis, ourlivers metabolize fatty acids and the smaller fat-chain derivatives called ketone bodies; they replaceglucose as the main energy source. these compounds come in three differentwater soluble configurations that move from the liver to the heart, brain, andother tissues during periods of fasting to try to keep things going.

some people,like hard-training triathletes or body builders are those on a super low carbhigh protein diet are maybe in ketosis is pretty often. itdoesn't mean they're starving, it just means thattheir bodies are running differently because either they're not eating enoughcarbs from which to get glucose, or they'requickly burning through them. but if you think that eating butter covered baconto burn body fat sounds like a good deal, you should know your brain might be less than amused. your braincan't directly use those fatty acids as

fuel because they're too big to squeezethrough the blood-brain barrier. and our brains are a big energy suck --they demand about 25 percent of our stored energy to function properly. the kind of greedy like that needing about a hundred and twenty grams of glucose a day to stay happy. that's like three cans of coke: it's like fourcans of coke if one of them's diet. so in your first day or two without food whilethe rest of your body starts fueling itself on fatty acids, the brain drains the last bit is stored glucoseuntil it really runs out.

but you probably noticed that no one dies after just twodays without food: that wouldn't make very muchevolutionary sense. luckily, your brain is smart and it has a backupplan. within a few days have no food, your brain recalibrates its glucoserequirement from 120 grams to about 30 grams, and it changes the menu. the brain nowstarts eating those processed ketone bodies, which, because they're smallerthan fatty acids, can get through the blood-brain barrier. this is a great evolutionary trick to keep us alert enough no matter how hungry we areto continue to look for food. but even if you are semi alert you're definitely not in agood mood.

as a hungered is continually deprived of vital nutrient, itgets to feeling depressed, anxious, lethargic, socially withdrawn, and startsto have trouble concentrating and comprehending. the third, and final phaseof starvation begins when all your fat stores are burned up, and the bodyswitches to using its final reserves proteins. this phase is marked by a rapidmuscle depletion as your body cells start to break down their own proteins into amino acids which your brain now gobbles up. proteins are essential for proper cell functioning, sothings go downhill pretty quickly as

your body starts eating itself, basically, in aprocess of internal self cannibalism called catabolysis. still, your everoptimistic body tries to run damage control by eating up your least vitalcells for as long as possible as it holds out hope for more food. but, after weeks of no food -- once yourbody has burned through all available glucose, fatty acids, and protein, musclemass, it's got nowhere left to look, and theend is near. even mind that by this point your body is sogrossly deficient in vitamins and

minerals and has such a weakened immunesystem not just about anything could kill you. in the end, the ultimate cause of death duringstarvation is often cardiac arrest, due to excessive tissue degradation. the heart simply can no longer supportitself with such limited resources. it's enough to make us all, i hope, reallyappreciate everything we eat, at least for this one day. thank you forwatching this episode of scishow, if you have any questions, comments, or ideas for us

where the comments, and on facebook andtwitter. and if you want to keep getting smarter with us here at scishow,you can go to and subscribe.

what's a keto diet

what's a keto diet

what's up, guys? jeff cavalier, today we're going to commit a murder. we'regoing to kill four nutrition myths that need to die. they needed to die a long time agowhen it comes to building muscle. okay, let's start off with our first one andthat is "fats make you fat". guys, eating a lot of fat makes you fat, just like eatinga lot of carbs will make you fat, eating a lot of protein will make you fat, and eatinglots and lots of food in excess of your caloric maintenance level will make you fat. we've talked about, in order to lose fat youhave to be in a hypocaloric state. eating fats on their own is not going to cause aproblem unless you're eating them in excess.

here's a little caveat when it comes to fats,however, that maybe confuses people. that is that fats on a gram by gram basis– you've probably heard this a million times – are more calorically dense than a gramof carbohydrates or a gram of protein. for every gram of fats you're looking at 9 calories,versus the 4 calories of protein, or 4 calories of carbohydrates. because of that you can't eat as many fats,or at least as much food containing fats as you might be able to of the other two. peoplethat indulge in a lot of fats might find that eating high quantities of these can make themfat. it’s not the fat molecule itself that'smaking you fat. please, don't avoid healthy

fats. they are a major constituent of everycell in our body. you need them and you need them for optimal growth and hormones to beable to produce maximum muscle growth. do not make this mistake; let's kill thisone right away. next up, one i can't wait to actually personally throw a shovel fullof dirt on is this idea or concept that you can't eat past 6:00 pm, or you're going toget fat. you're going to turn into a big fat pumpkin because you eat after a certain periodof time in the day; you're cut off at night. it's garbage. guys, remember your body willutilize those calories if you're within your caloric maintenance level. if we still have600-1000 calories, we don’t have to get into the nuances of calorie counting. i cantell you all about how we can keep that much

simpler, but we'll do that in a whole othervideo. the idea is, if we're still below our caloricmaintenance levels, whether or not we eat those calories after 6:00 pm, or even 8:00pm, or as i can even vouch for myself, i've been eating dinner almost every single nightat 10:30 for the last three months. it has had no impact on my body fat levels. if anything,i feel i'm leaner in the last few months than i have been at any point in my life. it doesn’t all of a sudden trigger justbecause the clock says that it's after a certain point that you're going to start putting onbody fat. your body is still utilizing those calories regardless of what time in the dayyou eat them. i will give you one big caveat,

though when it comes to your delivery andyour timing of your meals. from a blood sugar stability standpoint – imade this point very clear on this channel multiple times – your blood sugar stabilityis paramount as a guy who trains athletes, when it comes to optimizing performance. youdon’t want to be in a low blood sugar state when you're trying to drive and illicit greatperformances from athletes. i think the same thing should apply to usas human beings. if you want to optimize your function, your level of focus throughout theday, supplying your brain with the fuels it prefers at a regular interval by keeping yourblood sugar stable is done by providing yourself with more frequent meals. it has nothing todo with your ability to either store fat,

or burn fat because you're eating later inthe day. so let's quickly, please, throw one more shovelof dirt on that one and bury that forever. the next myth up is one that actually comesin the form of a question often. that is: can you build muscle if you're following avegan based eating plan? the idea is: no you can't. i wonder, "why not?" let's start with thatthere's at least a certain level of intensity needed in your workouts and if you're providingthat level of intensity to stimulate new muscle growth, a vegan following a sound nutritionplan will be able to build muscle because they can still get their protein necessaryfor building muscle in a vegan based eating

plan. there's plenty of sources, and vegans thatare already following a vegan based lifestyle know them very well. they could be hummus,or chick peas, they could be quinoa, and they could even be protein based supplements thatare pea proteins. so they're vegan based protein powders that they rely on to get the proteinneeded. even then, how much protein is actually needed? that varies from individual to varies conservatively. some estimates say even half a gram per pound of body weightup to a gram per pound of body weight. i even hear people say a gram and a half per poundof body weight. i think that's a bit excessive,

but it doesn't matter. the idea that if vegans are supporting hardtraining – that's the prerequisite – hard training, just like everybody else with asound nutrition plan that has protein in it from vegan based sources; who cares? you canabsolutely build muscle. if you, or someone you know is looking or pondering the idea,don’t let somebody talk you out of it because they're telling you that you can't build musclethat way. it's a complete myth. finally, tying intothis whole concept on supplementation, there's a belief out there that supplements will getme ripped. i actually had a college roommate who did nothing, never worked out, used toshow up with his bottle of fat burners and

think "i'm all set. i'm good to go. i've gotmy fat burners." he used to even think about spot reduction in his belly from taking hisfat burners. guys, if you have an aversion to eating healthyand to having a sound approach to nutrition: forget your supplements. your supplementswon't do anything. remember, supplements are supposed to supplement a good nutrition plan.if a good nutrition plan is in place, supplements can make a big impact on your level of bodyfat. as i've said many times before, they provideyou the option for a consistency level that might not exist otherwise. again, for someonewho is always on the road, running around from place to place, i rely on my supplementsto keep me lean 365 days a year. they provide

a level of consistency for me when i may beat a loss for what to eat, or may not have direct access to something that's very consistentwith what i want to eat. i know that my supplements provide me withthat option. the second thing i think supplements do is: they create an accountability factorfor you early in the day. if i take my pre-workout, rx1, in the morning i already feel like i'minvested in the idea that i'm on this path today to make sure that i continue my goalsof eating well to support my hard training and to keep me looking the way i look. by doing that i'm much more reluctant – i'vefound over the years – to really stray off that path. i feel like i've invested boththe money, and i've invested the time to take

to follow a good nutrition plan. don't screwit up now. keep everything going. i find a lot of guys feel that same way about it. ifyou are looking to have supplements be the reason why you lose body fat then i wouldsay just look elsewhere. but if you're committed to your nutritionplan and are willing to take that extra step to try to speed up, or enhance what you'reseeing from your current approach to nutrition; supplements can play a big part in that aswell. as i say all the time, that is what my approach has always been, even with myown supplements, how i approach my day of eating and how they fit into it. there youhave it. if you, like me, are happy that we've finallythrown dirt on these four myths – as a matter

of fact, you even got one last kick in yourselfto make sure this thing stayed down – that's great. make sure you leave your comments andthumbs up below. in the meantime, let me know what else you want to see, what other typesof videos you want me to cover here on this channel. i'll be more than happy to do so. we have a complete nutrition plan in our athlean-xfactor meal plan that will help you to cut through a lot of the bs when it comes to nutritionand simplify it. it doesn't have to be all that complicated, and you'll get the resultsthat you want to see. it's the one i follow 365 days a year. you can get that at athleanx.comand our athlean-x training systems. all right, guys. i'll be back here real soon.i'll see you.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

what to eat on keto diet

what to eat on keto diet

what's up, guys? jeff cavalier, today we're going to commit a murder. we'regoing to kill four nutrition myths that need to die. they needed to die a long time agowhen it comes to building muscle. okay, let's start off with our first one andthat is "fats make you fat". guys, eating a lot of fat makes you fat, just like eatinga lot of carbs will make you fat, eating a lot of protein will make you fat, and eatinglots and lots of food in excess of your caloric maintenance level will make you fat. we've talked about, in order to lose fat youhave to be in a hypocaloric state. eating fats on their own is not going to cause aproblem unless you're eating them in excess.

here's a little caveat when it comes to fats,however, that maybe confuses people. that is that fats on a gram by gram basis– you've probably heard this a million times – are more calorically dense than a gramof carbohydrates or a gram of protein. for every gram of fats you're looking at 9 calories,versus the 4 calories of protein, or 4 calories of carbohydrates. because of that you can't eat as many fats,or at least as much food containing fats as you might be able to of the other two. peoplethat indulge in a lot of fats might find that eating high quantities of these can make themfat. it’s not the fat molecule itself that'smaking you fat. please, don't avoid healthy

fats. they are a major constituent of everycell in our body. you need them and you need them for optimal growth and hormones to beable to produce maximum muscle growth. do not make this mistake; let's kill thisone right away. next up, one i can't wait to actually personally throw a shovel fullof dirt on is this idea or concept that you can't eat past 6:00 pm, or you're going toget fat. you're going to turn into a big fat pumpkin because you eat after a certain periodof time in the day; you're cut off at night. it's garbage. guys, remember your body willutilize those calories if you're within your caloric maintenance level. if we still have600-1000 calories, we don’t have to get into the nuances of calorie counting. i cantell you all about how we can keep that much

simpler, but we'll do that in a whole othervideo. the idea is, if we're still below our caloricmaintenance levels, whether or not we eat those calories after 6:00 pm, or even 8:00pm, or as i can even vouch for myself, i've been eating dinner almost every single nightat 10:30 for the last three months. it has had no impact on my body fat levels. if anything,i feel i'm leaner in the last few months than i have been at any point in my life. it doesn’t all of a sudden trigger justbecause the clock says that it's after a certain point that you're going to start putting onbody fat. your body is still utilizing those calories regardless of what time in the dayyou eat them. i will give you one big caveat,

though when it comes to your delivery andyour timing of your meals. from a blood sugar stability standpoint – imade this point very clear on this channel multiple times – your blood sugar stabilityis paramount as a guy who trains athletes, when it comes to optimizing performance. youdon’t want to be in a low blood sugar state when you're trying to drive and illicit greatperformances from athletes. i think the same thing should apply to usas human beings. if you want to optimize your function, your level of focus throughout theday, supplying your brain with the fuels it prefers at a regular interval by keeping yourblood sugar stable is done by providing yourself with more frequent meals. it has nothing todo with your ability to either store fat,

or burn fat because you're eating later inthe day. so let's quickly, please, throw one more shovelof dirt on that one and bury that forever. the next myth up is one that actually comesin the form of a question often. that is: can you build muscle if you're following avegan based eating plan? the idea is: no you can't. i wonder, "why not?" let's start with thatthere's at least a certain level of intensity needed in your workouts and if you're providingthat level of intensity to stimulate new muscle growth, a vegan following a sound nutritionplan will be able to build muscle because they can still get their protein necessaryfor building muscle in a vegan based eating

plan. there's plenty of sources, and vegans thatare already following a vegan based lifestyle know them very well. they could be hummus,or chick peas, they could be quinoa, and they could even be protein based supplements thatare pea proteins. so they're vegan based protein powders that they rely on to get the proteinneeded. even then, how much protein is actually needed? that varies from individual to varies conservatively. some estimates say even half a gram per pound of body weightup to a gram per pound of body weight. i even hear people say a gram and a half per poundof body weight. i think that's a bit excessive,

but it doesn't matter. the idea that if vegans are supporting hardtraining – that's the prerequisite – hard training, just like everybody else with asound nutrition plan that has protein in it from vegan based sources; who cares? you canabsolutely build muscle. if you, or someone you know is looking or pondering the idea,don’t let somebody talk you out of it because they're telling you that you can't build musclethat way. it's a complete myth. finally, tying intothis whole concept on supplementation, there's a belief out there that supplements will getme ripped. i actually had a college roommate who did nothing, never worked out, used toshow up with his bottle of fat burners and

think "i'm all set. i'm good to go. i've gotmy fat burners." he used to even think about spot reduction in his belly from taking hisfat burners. guys, if you have an aversion to eating healthyand to having a sound approach to nutrition: forget your supplements. your supplementswon't do anything. remember, supplements are supposed to supplement a good nutrition plan.if a good nutrition plan is in place, supplements can make a big impact on your level of bodyfat. as i've said many times before, they provideyou the option for a consistency level that might not exist otherwise. again, for someonewho is always on the road, running around from place to place, i rely on my supplementsto keep me lean 365 days a year. they provide

a level of consistency for me when i may beat a loss for what to eat, or may not have direct access to something that's very consistentwith what i want to eat. i know that my supplements provide me withthat option. the second thing i think supplements do is: they create an accountability factorfor you early in the day. if i take my pre-workout, rx1, in the morning i already feel like i'minvested in the idea that i'm on this path today to make sure that i continue my goalsof eating well to support my hard training and to keep me looking the way i look. by doing that i'm much more reluctant – i'vefound over the years – to really stray off that path. i feel like i've invested boththe money, and i've invested the time to take

to follow a good nutrition plan. don't screwit up now. keep everything going. i find a lot of guys feel that same way about it. ifyou are looking to have supplements be the reason why you lose body fat then i wouldsay just look elsewhere. but if you're committed to your nutritionplan and are willing to take that extra step to try to speed up, or enhance what you'reseeing from your current approach to nutrition; supplements can play a big part in that aswell. as i say all the time, that is what my approach has always been, even with myown supplements, how i approach my day of eating and how they fit into it. there youhave it. if you, like me, are happy that we've finallythrown dirt on these four myths – as a matter

of fact, you even got one last kick in yourselfto make sure this thing stayed down – that's great. make sure you leave your comments andthumbs up below. in the meantime, let me know what else you want to see, what other typesof videos you want me to cover here on this channel. i'll be more than happy to do so. we have a complete nutrition plan in our athlean-xfactor meal plan that will help you to cut through a lot of the bs when it comes to nutritionand simplify it. it doesn't have to be all that complicated, and you'll get the resultsthat you want to see. it's the one i follow 365 days a year. you can get that at athleanx.comand our athlean-x training systems. all right, guys. i'll be back here real soon.i'll see you.

what to eat on a ketogenic diet

what to eat on a ketogenic diet

what's up, guys? jeff cavalier, today we're going to commit a murder. we'regoing to kill four nutrition myths that need to die. they needed to die a long time agowhen it comes to building muscle. okay, let's start off with our first one andthat is "fats make you fat". guys, eating a lot of fat makes you fat, just like eatinga lot of carbs will make you fat, eating a lot of protein will make you fat, and eatinglots and lots of food in excess of your caloric maintenance level will make you fat. we've talked about, in order to lose fat youhave to be in a hypocaloric state. eating fats on their own is not going to cause aproblem unless you're eating them in excess.

here's a little caveat when it comes to fats,however, that maybe confuses people. that is that fats on a gram by gram basis– you've probably heard this a million times – are more calorically dense than a gramof carbohydrates or a gram of protein. for every gram of fats you're looking at 9 calories,versus the 4 calories of protein, or 4 calories of carbohydrates. because of that you can't eat as many fats,or at least as much food containing fats as you might be able to of the other two. peoplethat indulge in a lot of fats might find that eating high quantities of these can make themfat. it’s not the fat molecule itself that'smaking you fat. please, don't avoid healthy

fats. they are a major constituent of everycell in our body. you need them and you need them for optimal growth and hormones to beable to produce maximum muscle growth. do not make this mistake; let's kill thisone right away. next up, one i can't wait to actually personally throw a shovel fullof dirt on is this idea or concept that you can't eat past 6:00 pm, or you're going toget fat. you're going to turn into a big fat pumpkin because you eat after a certain periodof time in the day; you're cut off at night. it's garbage. guys, remember your body willutilize those calories if you're within your caloric maintenance level. if we still have600-1000 calories, we don’t have to get into the nuances of calorie counting. i cantell you all about how we can keep that much

simpler, but we'll do that in a whole othervideo. the idea is, if we're still below our caloricmaintenance levels, whether or not we eat those calories after 6:00 pm, or even 8:00pm, or as i can even vouch for myself, i've been eating dinner almost every single nightat 10:30 for the last three months. it has had no impact on my body fat levels. if anything,i feel i'm leaner in the last few months than i have been at any point in my life. it doesn’t all of a sudden trigger justbecause the clock says that it's after a certain point that you're going to start putting onbody fat. your body is still utilizing those calories regardless of what time in the dayyou eat them. i will give you one big caveat,

though when it comes to your delivery andyour timing of your meals. from a blood sugar stability standpoint – imade this point very clear on this channel multiple times – your blood sugar stabilityis paramount as a guy who trains athletes, when it comes to optimizing performance. youdon’t want to be in a low blood sugar state when you're trying to drive and illicit greatperformances from athletes. i think the same thing should apply to usas human beings. if you want to optimize your function, your level of focus throughout theday, supplying your brain with the fuels it prefers at a regular interval by keeping yourblood sugar stable is done by providing yourself with more frequent meals. it has nothing todo with your ability to either store fat,

or burn fat because you're eating later inthe day. so let's quickly, please, throw one more shovelof dirt on that one and bury that forever. the next myth up is one that actually comesin the form of a question often. that is: can you build muscle if you're following avegan based eating plan? the idea is: no you can't. i wonder, "why not?" let's start with thatthere's at least a certain level of intensity needed in your workouts and if you're providingthat level of intensity to stimulate new muscle growth, a vegan following a sound nutritionplan will be able to build muscle because they can still get their protein necessaryfor building muscle in a vegan based eating

plan. there's plenty of sources, and vegans thatare already following a vegan based lifestyle know them very well. they could be hummus,or chick peas, they could be quinoa, and they could even be protein based supplements thatare pea proteins. so they're vegan based protein powders that they rely on to get the proteinneeded. even then, how much protein is actually needed? that varies from individual to varies conservatively. some estimates say even half a gram per pound of body weightup to a gram per pound of body weight. i even hear people say a gram and a half per poundof body weight. i think that's a bit excessive,

but it doesn't matter. the idea that if vegans are supporting hardtraining – that's the prerequisite – hard training, just like everybody else with asound nutrition plan that has protein in it from vegan based sources; who cares? you canabsolutely build muscle. if you, or someone you know is looking or pondering the idea,don’t let somebody talk you out of it because they're telling you that you can't build musclethat way. it's a complete myth. finally, tying intothis whole concept on supplementation, there's a belief out there that supplements will getme ripped. i actually had a college roommate who did nothing, never worked out, used toshow up with his bottle of fat burners and

think "i'm all set. i'm good to go. i've gotmy fat burners." he used to even think about spot reduction in his belly from taking hisfat burners. guys, if you have an aversion to eating healthyand to having a sound approach to nutrition: forget your supplements. your supplementswon't do anything. remember, supplements are supposed to supplement a good nutrition plan.if a good nutrition plan is in place, supplements can make a big impact on your level of bodyfat. as i've said many times before, they provideyou the option for a consistency level that might not exist otherwise. again, for someonewho is always on the road, running around from place to place, i rely on my supplementsto keep me lean 365 days a year. they provide

a level of consistency for me when i may beat a loss for what to eat, or may not have direct access to something that's very consistentwith what i want to eat. i know that my supplements provide me withthat option. the second thing i think supplements do is: they create an accountability factorfor you early in the day. if i take my pre-workout, rx1, in the morning i already feel like i'minvested in the idea that i'm on this path today to make sure that i continue my goalsof eating well to support my hard training and to keep me looking the way i look. by doing that i'm much more reluctant – i'vefound over the years – to really stray off that path. i feel like i've invested boththe money, and i've invested the time to take

to follow a good nutrition plan. don't screwit up now. keep everything going. i find a lot of guys feel that same way about it. ifyou are looking to have supplements be the reason why you lose body fat then i wouldsay just look elsewhere. but if you're committed to your nutritionplan and are willing to take that extra step to try to speed up, or enhance what you'reseeing from your current approach to nutrition; supplements can play a big part in that aswell. as i say all the time, that is what my approach has always been, even with myown supplements, how i approach my day of eating and how they fit into it. there youhave it. if you, like me, are happy that we've finallythrown dirt on these four myths – as a matter

of fact, you even got one last kick in yourselfto make sure this thing stayed down – that's great. make sure you leave your comments andthumbs up below. in the meantime, let me know what else you want to see, what other typesof videos you want me to cover here on this channel. i'll be more than happy to do so. we have a complete nutrition plan in our athlean-xfactor meal plan that will help you to cut through a lot of the bs when it comes to nutritionand simplify it. it doesn't have to be all that complicated, and you'll get the resultsthat you want to see. it's the one i follow 365 days a year. you can get that at athleanx.comand our athlean-x training systems. all right, guys. i'll be back here real soon.i'll see you.