Tuesday, March 28, 2017

what does ketosis mean

what does ketosis mean

hey guys. dr. axe here, founder of draxe.com.today, i'm going to share with you eight warning signs that you have magnesium deficiency,and there are many symptoms of magnesium deficiency that a lot of people have. so then, think about this, there is a goodchance that you have a health condition and if you just got more magnesium in your diet,it could be gone for good. there are people suffering with eight common conditions thatif you just get more magnesium in your diet it is going to transform your health forever. according to recent research, 80% of americansare magnesium deficient. so, you've got to get more magnesium in your diet or at least80% of people do.

the first warning sign that you are magnesiumdeficient is that if you have any form of a headache, whether it's a tension headacheor a migraine headache that's a big warning sign and one of the reasons is that magnesiumreally helps in relaxing muscles, it helps with overall cellular function, and so again,magnesium is critical. if you have a headache, had any type of headacheat all, consider getting more magnesium foods in your diet or taking a magnesium supplement,and at the end, i'll share more with you about magnesium foods and supplements. the number two sign that you have a magnesiumdeficiency is if you get muscle cramps. now, a lot of the times people think that that'spotassium and it can be, but it's also magnesium.

and so again, if you are an athlete or let'ssay you're laying [sic] in bed at night and you ever get muscle cramps or if you strugglewith muscle cramps on a regular basis, you are magnesium deficient. you really want to work on increasing bothpotassium intake and magnesium intake if you get muscle cramps. the third warning sign that you're magnesiumdeficient is if you have osteoporosis or if you have osteopenia or any type of weak musclesor weak bones, or you get injured easily. you know magnesium is a major building blockof your muscles. and listen to this, a lot of people will goand take a calcium supplement without even

taking a magnesium supplement for your bodyto even use calcium. you have to have magnesium. so again, magnesium, it's critical for buildingstrong bones. so, it's essential that children are gettingmagnesium rich foods, adults', especially aging women, are getting magnesium foods andsupplements on a regular basis. the fourth warning sign that you are magnesiumdeficient is if you have diabetes or imbalanced blood sugar. if you tend to eat somethingand then afterwards you get really tired. in fact if you're one of those people thathits the sort of two o'clock coma at work after lunch, that's a big warning sign thatyou are magnesium deficient. so, again if you have diabetes or you havelow energy levels, or even have adrenal fatigue,

those are warning signs that you're not gettingenough magnesium in your diet. the reason is that magnesium is a criticalmineral for improving glucose absorption and really balancing out your blood sugar. youreally have to have magnesium for cellular function. the fifth warning sign, you may have highblood pressure. so blood pressure issues, if you have high blood pressure on a bloodpressure medication, magnesium has been shown to be one of the best natural remedies tonaturally lower or balance out your blood pressure. the sixth warning sign that you have a magnesiumdeficiency is if you struggle with insomnia

or not being able to sleep at night, and thatincludes both not being able to fall asleep or stay asleep during the night or even wakingup early on a consistent basis. you need magnesium for that. if you do struggle with that, the best timeto take magnesium is with dinner or right before bed in the evening. the seventh warning sign you are magnesiumdeficient is if you struggle with anxiety and depression. in fact, magnesium has beenshown to help calm the body, the muscles, and help improve mood. it is a vital mineralfor overall mood. in fact one of the things i've recommendedto patients over time with anxiety is taking

magnesium on a daily basis and they've seengreat results. and last but not least, would be muscle pain. that's a sign that you'remagnesium deficient as well. things like fibromyalgia. so muscle pain,fibromyalgia, those are warning signs. the reason is magnesium, even within minutes oftaking it, it can start to relax your muscles. also why it helps with migraine headaches.that's number eight. then one other bonus warning sign you're magnesiumdeficient is if you struggle with constipation. constipation and irregular bowel movementsis a major warning sign. so if you do struggle with constipation, magnesium, specificallymagnesium citrate has great benefits in helping improve bowel movements.

now, let me tell you how to get more magnesiumin your diet. number one is through foods, specifically fruits, vegetables and sproutednuts and seeds are a great source. avocados are my number one recommendation for gettingmore magnesium in your diet. bananas are great as well, also even thingslike pumpkin seeds. if you want to learn more about the magnesium foods just go to my websitedraxe.com or google search online dr. axe magnesium foods and you can find my list ofmy top magnesium foods there as well. and last but not least, take a quality magnesiumsupplement. now, the problem is most magnesium and mineral supplements out there today inmulti-vitamins are made from rocks. literally, rocks and mineral salts. you don't want totake those.

take a magnesium chelate supplement that alsohas other co-factors in it like boron. and so again, i know that i personally take theaxe naturals brand of magnesium. it's a great brand you can check out there as well, online. and so again, guys, if you're going to behealthy or if you have any one of those warning signs, you know that you are magnesium deficient,make sure that you get more magnesium in your diet and consider a magnesium supplement. hey, if you've enjoyed this information makesure you've subscribe to the youtube page. i'm always giving more information on thetop vitamins and minerals to help your body stay healthy.

what does a ketogenic diet look like

what does a ketogenic diet look like

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what can you eat on the keto diet

what can you eat on the keto diet

hey guys, thank you for joining me today.i am your keto coach. i wanted to talk to you about the top five reasons why a yourketo diet may not be working. a lot of people are contacting me saying, "i'm doing a ketogenicdiet and it's not working and i don't know why." so hopefully one of the five thingswill help. first one: keto sticks. people use keto sticksthinking that it's telling them what kind of state their body is in, if they're in ketosisare not. highly unlikely. it's not accurate. the problem with keto sticks is that if youdrink a lot of water, you'll have a diluted reading, so it'd be like a light color. ifyou're dehydrated, you're going to have a dark color reading. it doesn't mean how many— it's not telling you how much ketones

are in your blood, it's the excess ketonescoming out, which is another factor. we don't want to read what's coming out of our body.it's most likely because you have high glucose and high ketones, which is a bad environment,but your body is going to use keto — the glucose and then just expell the ketones,so you're reading the wrong thing. number two: unstable glucose levels. so again,up and down glucose is not good for your body, it's not good for your body deciding whatparts or fuel source to use. so really try to keep that stable and the best ways is oneof these. so, reading your glucose with glucometer. this is a precision extra. it's good becauseit does ketones and glucose, so it's excellent. really monitoring it and just watching whatyou're eating and keeping that glucose at

a good level. i would recommend a formulaless than 4.4 mm/ol around there is a good reading to have for glucose level. number three: too much food protein. peopleare on keto so they think they're going to be eating beef and chicken and bacon everythingall day long. that's not the case. even myself, i eat 70 to 80 grams. still feel strong atthe gym, feel great all day, lots of energy. so don't think you have to be eating 100-200grams of protein. you don't want to do that. all that excess protein, the body convertsit into sugar in a process called glucogeo-nast. gluconeogenesis, sorry about that. so whatthat is is a process of the protein getting converted to sugar for the body to use ina different way and what happens is that sugar

goes in your blood and then we're back intothat vicious cycle again. so don't eat too much protein. again, 70, 80 grams is whati eat, but you know, it's very individual-based, but that's the general rule. number four: eating too much. so, people thinkthat "i can just see a ton of food and i'll be okay as long as i don't eat carbs." that'sfalse. we want to — you know, you don't count calories – we don't have to countcalories, but we've got to be conscious of what were eating. let's be smart and whenwe're smart, we're not going to overeat. as well as when you start getting ketosis, youstart getting keto adapted, your hunger will drop and you won't want to eat as much. soin that long-term, it's going to be easier

for you, so just stick it out in the heartof the beginning. and number five. number five is probably themost important one. we don't eat enough fat. people have this fat phobia, even though we'reon keto. it's supposed to be high-fat, but you don't want to eat too much fat. it justdoesn't make sense. eat lots of fat. 80% of your daily intake macros should be fat. youknow, one of the good things to eat for sources are fat, i've got some good examples here:coconut oil. this is a good brand and it's available at costco and other places, butit's really good. lots of nutrients and healthy for you. how about avocado? just pure avocado.it's great, you can make guacamole and all great things out of it, great side dish aswell and tastes good. mct oil, the best part

of the coconut oil is in here, but coconuthas a lot of nutrients in it. this is great as well. gives you good energy. i take itbefore i go to the gym, it's awesome. avocado oil. so you can cook with it, season it onyour salad dressing. it's great. all these great sources of fat. when we're talking about meat, you want fullfat meat, so this one here, this is full fat beef and regular ground beef, if you will,chicken wings, that type of thing, bacon of course, the holy grail, full fat beef likei mentioned, and some cheese, hard cheese. so don't be buying chicken breast and low-fatthis and that, you're not helping yourself. keep it high-fat, you'll stay full, you'llhave lots of energy, and that's what we want.

so that's my top five list, try to keep itshort. if you want more information about getting keto adapted, ketosis, keto diet,visit myketocoach.com were i have custom keto plans as well as keto consulting and coachingservices. lastly, if you look over there, that's actuallya bone broth that's been brewing for two days so it's going to be — i'm going to takeit out today. i'll probably make a separate video for that. all right, thank you. see you.

what can you eat on a ketogenic diet

what can you eat on a ketogenic diet

what's up, guys? jeff cavalier, athlean-x.com. today we're going to commit a murder. we'regoing to kill four nutrition myths that need to die. they needed to die a long time agowhen it comes to building muscle. okay, let's start off with our first one andthat is "fats make you fat". guys, eating a lot of fat makes you fat, just like eatinga lot of carbs will make you fat, eating a lot of protein will make you fat, and eatinglots and lots of food in excess of your caloric maintenance level will make you fat. we've talked about, in order to lose fat youhave to be in a hypocaloric state. eating fats on their own is not going to cause aproblem unless you're eating them in excess.

here's a little caveat when it comes to fats,however, that maybe confuses people. that is that fats on a gram by gram basis– you've probably heard this a million times – are more calorically dense than a gramof carbohydrates or a gram of protein. for every gram of fats you're looking at 9 calories,versus the 4 calories of protein, or 4 calories of carbohydrates. because of that you can't eat as many fats,or at least as much food containing fats as you might be able to of the other two. peoplethat indulge in a lot of fats might find that eating high quantities of these can make themfat. it’s not the fat molecule itself that'smaking you fat. please, don't avoid healthy

fats. they are a major constituent of everycell in our body. you need them and you need them for optimal growth and hormones to beable to produce maximum muscle growth. do not make this mistake; let's kill thisone right away. next up, one i can't wait to actually personally throw a shovel fullof dirt on is this idea or concept that you can't eat past 6:00 pm, or you're going toget fat. you're going to turn into a big fat pumpkin because you eat after a certain periodof time in the day; you're cut off at night. it's garbage. guys, remember your body willutilize those calories if you're within your caloric maintenance level. if we still have600-1000 calories, we don’t have to get into the nuances of calorie counting. i cantell you all about how we can keep that much

simpler, but we'll do that in a whole othervideo. the idea is, if we're still below our caloricmaintenance levels, whether or not we eat those calories after 6:00 pm, or even 8:00pm, or as i can even vouch for myself, i've been eating dinner almost every single nightat 10:30 for the last three months. it has had no impact on my body fat levels. if anything,i feel i'm leaner in the last few months than i have been at any point in my life. it doesn’t all of a sudden trigger justbecause the clock says that it's after a certain point that you're going to start putting onbody fat. your body is still utilizing those calories regardless of what time in the dayyou eat them. i will give you one big caveat,

though when it comes to your delivery andyour timing of your meals. from a blood sugar stability standpoint – imade this point very clear on this channel multiple times – your blood sugar stabilityis paramount as a guy who trains athletes, when it comes to optimizing performance. youdon’t want to be in a low blood sugar state when you're trying to drive and illicit greatperformances from athletes. i think the same thing should apply to usas human beings. if you want to optimize your function, your level of focus throughout theday, supplying your brain with the fuels it prefers at a regular interval by keeping yourblood sugar stable is done by providing yourself with more frequent meals. it has nothing todo with your ability to either store fat,

or burn fat because you're eating later inthe day. so let's quickly, please, throw one more shovelof dirt on that one and bury that forever. the next myth up is one that actually comesin the form of a question often. that is: can you build muscle if you're following avegan based eating plan? the idea is: no you can't. i wonder, "why not?" let's start with thatthere's at least a certain level of intensity needed in your workouts and if you're providingthat level of intensity to stimulate new muscle growth, a vegan following a sound nutritionplan will be able to build muscle because they can still get their protein necessaryfor building muscle in a vegan based eating

plan. there's plenty of sources, and vegans thatare already following a vegan based lifestyle know them very well. they could be hummus,or chick peas, they could be quinoa, and they could even be protein based supplements thatare pea proteins. so they're vegan based protein powders that they rely on to get the proteinneeded. even then, how much protein is actually needed? that varies from individual to individual.it varies conservatively. some estimates say even half a gram per pound of body weightup to a gram per pound of body weight. i even hear people say a gram and a half per poundof body weight. i think that's a bit excessive,

but it doesn't matter. the idea that if vegans are supporting hardtraining – that's the prerequisite – hard training, just like everybody else with asound nutrition plan that has protein in it from vegan based sources; who cares? you canabsolutely build muscle. if you, or someone you know is looking or pondering the idea,don’t let somebody talk you out of it because they're telling you that you can't build musclethat way. it's a complete myth. finally, tying intothis whole concept on supplementation, there's a belief out there that supplements will getme ripped. i actually had a college roommate who did nothing, never worked out, used toshow up with his bottle of fat burners and

think "i'm all set. i'm good to go. i've gotmy fat burners." he used to even think about spot reduction in his belly from taking hisfat burners. guys, if you have an aversion to eating healthyand to having a sound approach to nutrition: forget your supplements. your supplementswon't do anything. remember, supplements are supposed to supplement a good nutrition plan.if a good nutrition plan is in place, supplements can make a big impact on your level of bodyfat. as i've said many times before, they provideyou the option for a consistency level that might not exist otherwise. again, for someonewho is always on the road, running around from place to place, i rely on my supplementsto keep me lean 365 days a year. they provide

a level of consistency for me when i may beat a loss for what to eat, or may not have direct access to something that's very consistentwith what i want to eat. i know that my supplements provide me withthat option. the second thing i think supplements do is: they create an accountability factorfor you early in the day. if i take my pre-workout, rx1, in the morning i already feel like i'minvested in the idea that i'm on this path today to make sure that i continue my goalsof eating well to support my hard training and to keep me looking the way i look. by doing that i'm much more reluctant – i'vefound over the years – to really stray off that path. i feel like i've invested boththe money, and i've invested the time to take

to follow a good nutrition plan. don't screwit up now. keep everything going. i find a lot of guys feel that same way about it. ifyou are looking to have supplements be the reason why you lose body fat then i wouldsay just look elsewhere. but if you're committed to your nutritionplan and are willing to take that extra step to try to speed up, or enhance what you'reseeing from your current approach to nutrition; supplements can play a big part in that aswell. as i say all the time, that is what my approach has always been, even with myown supplements, how i approach my day of eating and how they fit into it. there youhave it. if you, like me, are happy that we've finallythrown dirt on these four myths – as a matter

of fact, you even got one last kick in yourselfto make sure this thing stayed down – that's great. make sure you leave your comments andthumbs up below. in the meantime, let me know what else you want to see, what other typesof videos you want me to cover here on this channel. i'll be more than happy to do so. we have a complete nutrition plan in our athlean-xfactor meal plan that will help you to cut through a lot of the bs when it comes to nutritionand simplify it. it doesn't have to be all that complicated, and you'll get the resultsthat you want to see. it's the one i follow 365 days a year. you can get that at athleanx.comand our athlean-x training systems. all right, guys. i'll be back here real soon.i'll see you.

what can i eat on keto diet

what can i eat on keto diet

the easiest keto diet plan available today. customized to you! hi everyone. so i wanted to make thisquick video today about the 21-day keto diet plan which i wrote and is available on myketocoach.com.so i had a few questions about who am i, why i wrote this, why it works, and why it's different.so really, my name is raj and i used to a 240 pounds, now i'm 175 and, you know, i'vebeen living the ketogenic lifestyle for 4+ years and the challenge i had is probablythe same as you: i was looking online, it's the easiest resource. and there's just somuch information and i just didn't know what to follow. the other biggest challenge waswhat to cook. all the keto meals are so elaborate. i personally don't like cooking so ineeded something simpler but highly effective

that can fit my busy lifestyle, that's whatit's all about. so that was the four core fundamentals of this book: making it simple,highly effective, and easy to follow. and now, you know, it's been 4+ years andis part of my life, that's why it's a lifestyle and not a diet. what does it include? so,the book has a big part of education: what is keto, why do i eat this way, and what doesit do. so, education is really important so then when you're in certain situations youmake the right choice. and understanding what's happening in your body between keto flu andhaving great energy, just understanding that's very criti — critical. and then really,you know, setting yourself up for success, so telling your family are doing this to gettheir support. you don't want to be challenged

every time you're eating something withoutcarbs, and getting them to understand as well. and then cleaning up your house of the junkfood, that really helps. so that's all in the book as well. and then lastly, there'sa section of, you know, tips and helpful supplements that could help in a few areas if there'sany gaps in your nutrition. and the recipes are super easy to follow as well, so there'sno elaborate meals in the book. and then why does it work? well, first ofall, every book that's purchased is customized to you exactly. so everything's calculated,all the meals prepared, they're very simple. they're based off bulk cooking so you cancook a ton — like a lot of the food and then throughout the week it's just grab andgo, grab and go. you can mix and match a few

of the things to give yourself a bit of variety.and every book purchased also includes two weeks of keto coaching. after you purchaseand read the book fully, if you have questions email me. i'm there to help and i really wantto help you through this journey and i'm always there anytime you need me. the whole book is very simple to follow andsimple to understand. it's really just, "this is why you do it and this is what you haveto do." it's pretty much simple as — it can't get simpler than that. so i really tryto make it integrate into any kind of busy lifestyle that everybody has. and lastly, working out. you know, it's morethan fat loss we're talking here. it's about

wellness, living a long life. so whether youcan workout at the gym or at home, there's different options in the book in there aswell plus a bunch of other information. so, you know, if you want to find out what otherpeople have said about my book, go to myketocoach.com. you'll see reviews there of other people andmaybe you're in some of those similar situations. you can see what they've said. lastly, this is a lifestyle. it's not a short-termdiet, but you know, people that are on keto and are in ketosis and keto adapted, theyfeel great: high-energy, feel great all the time, lack hunger, no carb cravings. it'ssuch a win-win situation, i don't know why anybody wouldn't want to be in the state.

well, subscribe to my videos, to my channel.i'll be making more videos. if you want a certain video made, email me and i'll seewhat i can do. and if you're looking for a ketogenic diet plan or any keto coaching checkout my site or give me — send me an email. all right, thank you.

what can i eat on a ketogenic diet

what can i eat on a ketogenic diet

hey, guys. dr. axe here, founder of draxe.comand doctor of functional medicine. today, i'm going to share with you the benefits ofa ketogenic diet and how ketogenic diets can help weight loss, cancer, and even the treatmentof alzheimer's disease. basically, what a ketogenic diet is, it'sputting your body in ketosis, which means your body is burning fat for energy ratherthan carbohydrates. so again, your body will burn its own body fat or fat that you're consumingdietarily for its overall energy production. this is very effective. in fact, there aremedical studies now showing that the ketogenic diet is an effective treatment for cancer,for alzheimer's disease, and effective for very fast weight loss. i've worked with thousandsupon thousands of patients over the years

in my clinic, and i've actually found thatthe ketogenic is quite possibly the best diet for very fast fat loss. now, i don't believe that the ketogenic dietshould be done for typically periods more than three to six months. after that, i thinkthat you do want to add some good carbohydrates back in. but if your goal is especially fastfat loss, the ketogenic diet is the perfect diet. the reason why it works so effectively isthat when your body goes into ketosis and starts burning fat for energy, your body isburning up its own body fat. your body also stops feeding on sugar. so let's go into nextin terms of what it does for those three conditions.

let's start off with cancer, so the ketogenicdiet for cancer. we know that cancer cells feed off of sugar. so when you restrict yourbody, a ketogenic diet is essentially a diet that is made up of around typically 80% fat,10% carbohydrates, and 10% protein or maybe even let's say 70% fat, 20% protein, and 10%carbohydrates. the carbohydrates are very, very minimal. so again, you can see your bodyis really burning fat for energy. but the reason why the ketogenic diet is effectivein cancer treatment is that the cancer cells are being starved. they have no sugar to feedoff of and so the cancer cells starve to death. that's why the ketogenic diet is effectivein cancer treatment. the second thing a ketogenic diet is effectivefor is weight loss and the reason being, again,

your body starts burning its own body fatfor energy. think about this. your body will also then continue to burn fat even whileyou're sleeping at night. so your body is burning fat 24/7. it's not just burning thefat you consume. it's burning your own body fat. that's why it's the most effective wayto burn fat fast. and last, but not least, the ketogenic dietis effective for alzheimer's disease. in fact, there is a female medical doctor in floridawho treated her husband, who had dementia and alzheimer's, with what she called thecoconut ketogenic diet and said it cured his symptoms completely. the reason why it wouldbe effective is we know that part of what happens in dementia and alzheimer's is thedegeneration of the nerve system in the brain.

so you really need to support the brain nervesystem. well, a diet that has around 70% healthy fats, we know will help the brain, and wealso know that ketosis and your body being able to burn fat for energy or utilize fattyacids is critical for the brain and for the natural treatment of dementia. now, if you want to know what a diet wouldlook like on a ketogenic diet, again it's going to be specifically you want to add threetypes of healthy fats in your diet -- healthy saturated fats, omega-3 fatty acids, and thenhealthy fatty acids from things that are omega-9 fats that are going to be found in olive oil,avocados, and almonds, so sprouted nuts and seeds. the omega-3 fats, so eating a dietthat's high in things like salmon, chia seeds,

and flax seeds. then also getting good qualitysaturated fats from things like coconut oil and high-fat dairy like butter, so again coconutoil and grass-fed butter or ghee. those are some of the most effective healthy fats youwant to be consuming as part of this ketogenic so again, i can tell you in working with thousandsof patients over the years, the ketogenic diet is absolutely effective in the treatmentof weight gain as well as cancer, and also it's effective for the treatment of alzheimer's.so again, if you can follow a ketogenic diet, i recommend it. it is beneficial, but i onlyrecommend it for about a three to six month period of time. you don't want to do it longerthan that because your body does need carbohydrates long term to function at its absolute best.

hey, guys, this has been dr. axe talking aboutthe many benefits of a ketogenic diet.

weight loss on ketogenic diet

weight loss on ketogenic diet

warren: hello, welcome, everybody. welcometo cellularhealing.tv. my name is warren philips, here with one of my co-hosts, david asarnow.david: hello. warren: we’ve got dr. pompa on the lineas well as our expert for today’s show. dr. pompa’s hailing us from hawaii. wherein hawaii are you, dr. pompa? dr. pompa: maui.warren: maui, awesome. you can’t show us? can you pick the computer up and show us?dr. pompa: yeah, yeah. i don’t know if it’ll come up. i was asking you guys earlier ifyou could see it. warren: i’m sure we can.dr. pompa: i was going to show you, but can you see?david: oh my gosh, it is beautiful.

warren: if you talk to us, then we’ll seeit. better. uh-oh, you locked up. dr. pompa: really, okay here. yeah, okay,so that’s right on my porch here. warren: you fell off the radar there, unfortunately.dr. pompa: oh, boy, i see you now. warren: there we go.david: alright, there we go. i think the secret is just letting the computer sit.dr. pompa: exactly. warren: anyway, welcome to cellular healingtv. we’ve got a little glimpse of maui there. dr. pompa, we appreciate you doing the call.i know it’s early there for you. the sun just came up a little bit ago. here we are,episode eleven. we had a great call last week on autoimmune, correct? we released that article,so if you go to drpompa.com underneath articles,

it’s the latest article there. if you’rewatching this as a replay or on youtube, go to drpompa.com, and underneath articles, andyou can search and find, “the autoimmune answers: it’s simple as a three-legged stool.”an amazing article. it’s already quickly becoming one of our most shared articles onsocial media. really blowing up. again, that’s the whole point of cellular healing tv, isto point you to the right information that transforms lives, that brings truth and realanswers. today we’re going to do what we were supposed to do last week. we were goingto talk about autoimmune, but we’re going to talk about intermittent fasting today.is that correct, fellows? david: yes.dr. pompa: awesome.

warren: i intermittent fast every day, justto open it up. i just went to a seminar and faith saying, “wow, warren, you anti-age.”every day. i won’t tell you why that’s the case, intermittent fasting causes anti-aging.i’ll let the expert, dr. pompa, explain that. also, one of my staff right now is doinga four-day fast, not intermittent fasting, and she’s feeling great. she’s gettingall kinds of health benefits. dr. pompa, explain intermittent fasting and all these health—anti-agingbenefits, growth hormone benefits. some of the benefits you talked about last week withgoing into ketosis. let’s explore this today. this is a great topic.dr. pompa: yeah, it is. it really comes perfectly off the heels of our autoimmune. intermittentfasting is one of the tools that i use to

down regulate autoimmune. when we think ofthe three-legged stool, leg number one is changing gene expression. my 5r’s is reallythe big tool there, how we change gene expression. if you don’t fix the cell, you won’t getwell. intermittent fasting also changes gene expression. matter of fact, we know one thing.it turns on a gene called a cert 1 gene, which is considered the longevity gene. once thatgene gets turned on, you literally start to live longer, healthier. everybody wants theircert 1 gene turned on, no doubt. there’s a lot of gimmicks out there on how to turnthat gene on. of course, toxins and inflammation turn it off. the intermittent fasting is actuallyreally the only scientific proven way to turn on the cert 1 gene. when we look at the research—firstlet me define what intermittent fasting is.

people are saying well, they’re familiarwith juice fasts, water fasts, this fast. we keep calories between 500 and 800 caloriesa day, so it’s not a pure water fast. i’m a believer in water fasting, but a lot ofvery sick people are just unable to water fast for multiple reasons. we know that animals,when they get hurt, sick, or injured, they fast instinctively. humans have to be told.we want to preserve our energy for healing. that’s one of the principles of fasting.intermittent fasting is unique, because we actually get a larger growth hormone riseupon intermittent fasting, by keeping our calories between 500 and 800. we’ll tellyou how we do that, and some ways we do that. there’s daily intermittent fasting. youheard warren say that he intermittent fasts

daily. so do i. that means that we literallyskip a meal. we don’t eat breakfast. i know, we’re going to skip the most important mealof the day? we can talk about that too. david: the perception that it’s the mostimportant meal of the day. dr. pompa: the perception is that, correct.let’s say you don’t eat until 7:00 at night. we don’t go, and we don’t eat againuntil maybe 12:00, 1:00, 2:00, or noon, 1:00, or 2:00. sixteen or eighteen hours withouteating, that’s a daily intermittent fast, right? we’re literally not eating anythingfor that period of time, eating a small meal, and then eating a big dinner. that’s dailyintermittent fasting. then there’s block intermittent fasting, where we fast for fourdays at a time, maybe longer. we like four

days at least. where we keep our caloriesbetween 500 and 800 calories for four days. david, you’ve done several of these. i have,warren has, our family has, my children have. david: i’m doing it right now.dr. pompa: hold up, and show how you’re keeping your calories between 500 and 800.what are you eating, david? david: i’m drinking suerogold. i actuallyhave terrain omega, which is a probiotic, in it along with fermented flax and chia seeds.dr. pompa: right, so you’re using—hold it up. right now you’re frozen.david: can you see it? dr. pompa: there it is, okay. that is wheywater. that’s from a company that we love and adore, beyond organic. that’s, actually,that product is whey water. whey water historically

is known as healing water, from harpocrates.there’s nothing new under the sun. whey water fasts have been around for thousandsof years. the reason it’s known as healing water is because it has a really amazing,profound effect on the liver. it’s the detox pathway, the most important. the kidneys.the gi—another huge detox pathway. really, i believe it got its nickname “healing water”from what it does at the cell. it has this perfect electrolyte balance, sodium/potassium.it fixes that. it’s really the most basic way things move in and out of the cell. oncewe have that regulated, now it sets us up for further detox we can do at the cell, andfurther healing at the cell. that’s why we like to start many of our programs utilizingwhey water fasting. we wrote a great article

i wrote on the site under “articles” forintermittent fasting. what i just described is explained there. also, more of the hormonebenefits of intermittent fasting, i describe. how growth hormone goes up. all the hormonesthat you need to age slower go up. all the hormones like cortisol, and those destructivehormones that make us more fat and age faster, go down. that’s what happens in intermittentfasting. you get this really hormonal shift. again, we trigger the right genes. we getinto this healing mode, really. it sets us up for success. now i know many of you say,“that’s from a cow, whey water. i’m very dairy sensitive.” these cows are geneticallybred back to not have something called a1 beta-casein, which is a very—it’s tentimes more toxic than gluten, and if you have

a leaky gut, you will react to 99% of theconventional dairy that’s out there. this dairy has beta a2, so literally, it’s beenbred back to an ancient cow that doesn’t have this a1 casein.warren: did you hear that new article that was just released on that, from fox news,about a1 dairy and how poisonous it is? that essentially, the a2 dairy doesn’t existin the united states? hilarious enough, beyond organic has the onlly herd of a2 cows in thecountry, certified a2, if there is such certification. he had them all genetically tested, and allof his cows are a2. fox news is talking about the dangers of dairy and a1, and you haveto go to another country to get a2 cows. there’s a massive herd on jordan rubin’s ranch.pretty cool, pretty timely. it is getting

out there. dan, i’m getting questions, “wherecan i get this whey water?” of course. one site, we can send them to our site, whichis beyondorganicmilk. beyondorganicmilk.com. just type that in to your url. just type itin a the top. just type it in, www.beyondorganicmilk, and that’ll send you to our site, wherewe get our suerogold and some other products that we use for fasting.david: yeah, absolutely. dr. pompa: okay, so that’s one way. we doa lot of other intermittent fasts. sometimes we utilize beef stock. we’re going to guideyou to some resources there as well, here, as soon as i make a point. beef stock fasting,we do for a block intermittent fast, right? block, meaning several days, keeping our caloriesbetween 500 and 800 calories. what we do is

just beef stock. what’s the benefit of that?beef stock, again, nothing new under the sun. for thousands of years, beef stock has beenutilized for healing. to remember our grandmother, “eat chicken soup.” there’s some thingsin beef stock, or in chicken soup and other types of stock. type 2 collagen has a reallyamazing effect on our skin. that’s what really strengthens our elastin and our collagen.also, our immune system. for autoimmune, it’s another great tool. remember, intermittentfasting, we use to change—leg one, intermittent fasting. we also use it to change the microbiome. that’s leg three of the stool. if you haven’t read the autoimmune article,read it. let three is certain bacteria that we need to get back in our gut to fix ourgut. remember, things can leak across the

gut, which is happening epidemically in america.that’s what’s causing a lot of these food intolerances and allergies and immune problems.i discussed that in the article. type 2 collagen helps heal that leaky gut. also, type 2 collagenstaves down all the bacteria—i’m sorry, type 2 collagen—beef stock starves downall the bacteria in the gut. then we follow with a reinoculation phase. then we raiseup all the good guys. see how this is a tool in our three-legged stool analogy for autoimmune.really, any hormone condition, weight loss resistance, you name it, thyroid—again,most of these conditions, as we discussed in the article, are, in fact, autoimmune.you have to fix the gut. beef stock is an amazing tool. we have great articles. warrenwill direct you to some of those resources,

how do you intermittent fast with beef stock.go ahead, warren. warren: even if you type in “bone brothfast” into google, just straight into google, our article is one, two, three, four, five,five down, that we’ve done, or you can go to drpompa.com and go there under, it’llbe a bone broth fasting article there underneath “articles.” i just clicked on our articleon accident on google. dr. pompa: there’s a recipe there, rightwarren? we have a recipe connected to that article from one of our doctors.warren: also, i have a video that i shot at the bottom, on google, or on that page, offiltering it out and doing some of the details of the bone broth fast. there’s a video.it’s on our youtube channel. it’s also,

if you type in “bone broth fast,” on google,it’s on page one right now at the bottom. you might have to go to page two, but there’sa video on youtube as well. you can click and watch that. it’s just easier to getthere. or you can just go to our site, drpompa.com, and search underneath “articles” and findthat bone broth fast article. david: the important thing, though, to talkabout is, if they’re going to do the bone broth fast, they’re going to be killingoff not only bad, but good. they’re going to have to reinoculate. it’s not just goingout to the whole foods and buying probiotics. dr. pompa: that’s right. exactly, david,that’s where we come in. you mentioned beyond organic as a great source. the reason we’reinterested in dairy is because it’s the

perfect medium that these bacteria love tolive, but commercial dairy, obviously, most people are allergic to it, intolerant to it.with the beyond organicâ you won’t be. they’re loaded up with these great bacteria. we reinoculatewith another product called amasai. david, the product you’re taking with your wheywater, the suerogold—the chia seed, the fermented chia seed, you put in there, correct?david: i do, i do. dr. pompa: yeah, it’s a great thing thatyou can do in your intermittent fast, as well. all you need is about four of those a day,especially if you put some of that in there. that fiber feeds the bacteria. that productis loaded with very unique bacteria. i want to make a very strong point. a lot of bacteriathat you get from these products, you don’t

get in a probiotic. we’ve isolated maybe20 probiotic on the market, and every company gets them for the same 20. they have this5, or this 7, of that 20. what you get in nature, from a product like that, not fromyogurt that you buy from the store, but you get very unique bacteria that really wouldn’teven survive in a pillar of powder that we haven’t even isolated yet. the cows eatgrass that have very unique bacteria. they take it in, and then it’s expressed, aslong as it’s not killed, by the processing that most companies do. most yogurt we buyis just a killed product, and then they add some bacteria to it. there’s five littlebacteria. a real product, like you just held up, and the amasaiâ is another product, bythe way. that’s the suerogold, and they

have another product, amasai. by the way,they’re cheese. it’s not heated above the cow’s body temperature. loaded withunique bacteria. every batch a little different than the next, with unique bacteria. i’ma firm believer in fermenting food. fermented food offers more nutrition, more vitamins,more minerals, and also, again, trillions of unique bacteria you could never, ever putin a pillar of powder. it’s not that i’m against probiotic. i’m not. i think thatprobiotic can be very useful. however, limited in it’s scope. it needs to be part of, really,these fermented products. look, it’s the advent of refrigeration, really, is what happened,and we don’t ferment foods anymore. therefore, it’s part of the reason that, again, ourmicrobiome, our good bacteria—again, third

leg of theâ autoimmune stool, is suffering.we don’t have these unique bacteria. we’re not being introduced to them in our diet likewe used to. add that to the overuse of antibiotics. add that to the overuse of just, cleanly environments,hand santizers in every school across the planet. add that to the overuse of glyphosate,which we talked about in maybe two past episodes. maybe it was nine or ten. i think it was nine.anyways, glyphosate is the active ingredient in roundup, which is being sprayed on everygrain that you’re consuming, unless it’s 100% organic. every gmo grain is loaded up,because they’re roundup ready. they’re able to take more glyphosate, and boy do theyspray it. that glyphosate is wrecking our good bacteria. it’s wrecking our immunecells. it’s wrecking enzymes that we need

for our immune system. big problem today.you could see why we’re creating so much autoimmune. again, intermittent fasting withthese types of products is a way to replenish, really, what we’re destroying. how it’saffecting our immune system and our hormones, you name it.david: one of the big questions i get from people when they hear me talking about thefasting, or intermittent fasting in particular, is that you’re starving yourself. can weaddress that? dr. pompa: yeah, first of all, when we lookat the studies on anti-aging, really the only thing that’s super, super solid—well,there’s two things, actually, that’s super solid in the literature. there’s an 800-poundgorilla sitting in everybody’s room. there’s

one back there in mine. that 800-pound gorillais glucose. “controlling glucose” is what most health practitioners don’t even wantto hear, right? they’re preaching whatever they’re doing, right? meanwhile, the 800-poundgorilla’s sitting in their office every day. you know how you know? just look at theirbelly. there’s the 800-pound gorilla. if they’re lean and skinny, look at their liver,because they have, most likely, fatty liver. they’re aging. it’s called glycation.when glucose is up, your body is rusting. it’s glycation. basically, it means thatglucose is attacking proteins. oh, collagen and elastin are proteins that get attacked,and they start glycating, and you start looking older. the same thing’s happening on theinside. the second thing is reducing your

calories, david. when you reduce your calories,you live longer. it’s not my opinion. we can do it in every animal study or human studies.what are we doing? are we just saying, “okay, i’ve had enough food,” and pushing itaway? no, no, no, no, that doesn’t work. that’ll work for a week, and then you’regoing to start eating again, right? when we look at these cultures and societies who dolive long, like the tibetans and many others, they eat very little calories, because they’renot hungry. they’re simply not hungry. david, we have to be a fat burner to get that nothungry. i know all three of us are very efficient fat burners. we can literally go all day andnot eat. we’re burning fat, we’re not burning muscle. our body’s not going togive us these cravings to say, “hey, stop

burning our muscle, we need sugar down here.”our bodies utilize fat, because the cell can only use sugar or fat. we talked about thison past episodes, hormonal ability to burn fat. when we’re intermittent fasting, we’refeasting on our fat. our glucose, very steady. when other people, they’re not healthy,their body’s burning into its muscles. intermittent fasting is one way to become more hormonesensitive so, in fact, you become a fat burner. some people are so toxic that we utilize intermittentfasts later, and we do different type of intermittent fasting to get them there. that’s some ofthe work we do with the daily intermittent fasting. anyways, these are some of the tricksthat we do to become more hormone-sensitive so you can become a fat burner.warren: you’re really not starving yourself.

you’re just consuming fat, david, becauseyou’re eating the cellular healing diet. you’re intermittent fasting, you’re hormonesensitive and you’re healthy, kind of like a tribe. back in the day, they went out andhunted all day long, david. they didn’t eat a thing. they might eat some herbs, typically.i think it was 90% herbs, what they ate anyway, that they’d find in the woods. then they’deat at night, when they had their feast. they didn’t eat any carbs whatsoever, just rootvegetables that they gathered, possibly, while they were out, and if they had meat that day.some days they didn’t eat. you look at them, and they’re just ripped. i know that whenwe went to that tribe in africa, the chipota tribe, they lived a tribal life, and livedoff the land, and ate the animals that they

killed and shot with their homemade bows.the chipota tribe was skinny and lean, you could see their abs. they looked great. theireyes were clear. then they said, “why are they so skinny?” or you can say, “whyare they so ripped and muscular,” versus the ones that were getting the grain thathave been down from the mountains, and no longer living off of the land anymore, buteating off of world visionâ because they thought that those in the bush were dying becausethey were thin. no, this isn’t people in theâ inner city, but in the actual woods,and they were fat and had disease. that’s really the difference. our bodies are veryefficient that way. we don’t get those sugar spikes, so when we eat, we don’t get tired.as a matter of fact, we don’t get hungry.

we don’t get those ups and downs, and thosesugar ups and downs. we don’t get irritable, either. right, dr. pompa? our glucose is stable.we’re not hypoglycemic. everyone says, “i’m hypoglycemic. i’m ripping people’s headsoff, because i need to get some sugar.” why is that? why do people get so mean whenthey don’t get their sugar, if their glucose is dropping?dr. pompa: it’s about brain. it’s really what’s happening at the brain, when thebrain can’t get glucose. your brain can’t take fat and utilize it for energy, so yourbrain needs glucose, right? you would say, “then isn’t that an argument to eat sugar?”no, no, no, because when you’re an efficient fat burner, your brain will use somethingcalled ketones, where your body will break

fat down into something called ketones, andthen your body actually prefers it—your brain, i’m sorry. your brain actually performs25% better on ketones than it does glucose. of course, type 2, we have alzheimer’s,which is now called type 3 diabetes. what’s that from? elevated glucose and insulin inthe brain. it causes plaquing. i would argue that’s really one of the links with manydegenerative conditions, neurodegenerative conditions. increasing glucose in the brainis not a good idea. that’s why you get the irritability. your brain simply starts starvingof glucose. your glucose is up, and then it drops dramatically low. when you can’t makeketones from fat, because you’re not a fat burner, now your brain doesn’t have anythingelse. now you get dizzy, you get weak, you

get crabby, all because the glucose. our glucoselevels are like this—we’re burning fat in the ketones and our brain constantly hasa fuel source, even when we don’t eat. we could not eat for days. we could exercise.our body’s burning fat. our muscles are burning fat. our brain’s surviving on ketones.it’s a very efficient system. it’s like a diesel, man, you’re in a diesel engine,as opposed to the little scooter just burning gasoline.warren: i know we’re got to wrap up, but dan, i just got this the other day from, youwere teaching doctors out in new jersey. i didn’t even know this ketosis thing, andketones. it’s really the first time i heard this. i keep telling everyone in my staff,“how do i remember all this stuff? how am

i getting so stinking smart?” i’m justfeeling my brain’s healing, because i’ve been detoxing a long time, doing your protocolson this film. man, i’m back, 100%. i can’t forget anything. what’s going on? my mind’sa trap. when you said that, there’s a scientific reason why, and then faith, at the event—oneof our partners. i was she was on the call today, she’s been on some previous calls,was like, “warren, you look even younger.” i’ve been doing more intermittent fasting.i’m doing, definitely, some antioxidant type stuff. i’m exercising, spiking my growthhormone. intermittent fasting spikes your growth hormone 10,000%—or yeah, 10,000 times,or something like that, i believe. right, dr. pompa?dr. pompa: growth hormone in women, up to

3,000% in women, 3,000% wise in men.warren: it’s crazy. all this stuff is happening. i didn’t know the science of why, but i’manti-aging. i’m getting people saying that. i’m having brain power. i’m getting leaner.i have constant energy. i’m not as crabby. who wouldn’t want to intermittent fast anddo this. i’ll get back to our whole thing, the 3%. 97%, this is something that i sharedfrom stage, “if you want to make difference in this world, if you want to go to the nextlevel, you need to be a 3%er. you have to go through pain to get to the other side.eating like this may not be easy for you at first. going through those first four days,and getting that hormone transfer, may be a little tough. man, who are attracted tothese calls are 3%ers, so i know you can do

it. you can anti-age, look better, have yourhealth back, make a bigger difference in this world, having something real. dr. pompa, iwould’ve never even known how to share that, or communicate it with them, because you diginto science so much and daily so that we all can benefit on these shows. i’m benefitingmassively from this ketosis/ketone research that you’re doing.dr. pompa: yeah, it’s been exciting. some years ago, i would always use keto-type diets,where it’s extremely high fat and very low carb. i would do this for neurodegenerateconditions. why? it heals the brain. in the 1920’s, it was in the medical—it was used,medically. with the development of certain drugs, like neurontin and others, we’vethought, “oh, gosh. we don’t need that

crazy diet, and put people through that. thesedrugs are going to be the answer.” here we are, centuries later, and we’ve realizedthat the drugs not only are not the answer, they’re causing more problems. now there’sso much more new research on pushing yourself into ketosis and why the brain heals. notonly the brain, why the cell heals. the beginning of last summer, i read an article in men’sfitness. i was sitting next to someone on a plane, and they asked me a question aboutthe article. i said, “boy, this is interesting.” these pro-cyclists, one of which the articlewas about, dave zabriskie, i read that how he puts himself in ketosis all the time.â inother words, he can ride 100, 120 miles without eating one drop of food. meanwhile, everyoneelse is eating every couple hours, to replenish

their 2,000 calories of stored sugar. he doesn’tneed stored sugar. he’s got 100,000-plus calories stored in fat, even as a skinny cyclist.that’s the fuel source. he was functioning as a diesel. then now, all these other pro-marathonersare also doing this very thing. it got me interested in the subject. i started readingstudies from that article, and i started reading some more work. all summer, then, i playedwith it. this summer, i put myself into ketosis, and i ran like a diesel, man. i could bikefive hours without eating. i had so much fun with it. then i went out of ketosis, and theni put myself back in. i’ve been really having a lot of fun with the experiment. i’m goingto be teaching this at my next seminar. i’ll explain more of where i learned some on someof the future shows, and why i’m not doing

it just with brain conditions now. type 2diabetes, other hormone conditions, weight loss resistance driven by toxins. toxin-inducedhormone resistance. obviously, there’s some other cases that i’ll share, too. otherthings we’re doing with clients. very exciting, very exciting research. basically, in a nutshell,it forces you to be a fat burner all day long, all night long. that’s where i’m at. myketones, i can measure my blood ketones, and i do all the time. i’m constantly in whatis called nutritional ketosis, constantly. i can go days with out eating. as a matterof fact, i’m never hungry. my body literally is feeding itself off of fat. david, it’snever starvation when you’re in this fat burning mode. i could go five days withouteating, and my body’s feasting on fat. it

could do that for many, many days before itwould run out of those stores. even as thin as i am, i have plenty of fat stores, andso do you all. that’s really where we want to be. we’re going to talk more about that.thank you. it’s great that i could do this from here in hawaii, that’s for sure.warren: thanks so much, dr. pompa. again, share this information on facebook and withyour friends. cellularhealing.tv. just type it in. it’s not dot-com, it’s dot-tv.cellularhealing.tv. this is a tv show. live every friday at 10:00 am. share it with yourfriends. share it on facebook. if you have questions you want to ask during the showor before the next show, there’s a button down below that says ask questions. i don’tknow the color of the button, but there’s

a button, and that’ll take you to a questionsform page where you can fill it out. we love you, care about you guys. keep sharing thetruth with your friends. you are an amazing tribe, and we’re so happy that we can sharethe truth with you, and you can share it with others. thanks for taking the time to watchcellular healing tv. thanks, dr. pompa. thanks, david, who just dropped off the call. we’llsee you next week at 10 am on our next show. dr. pompa: thank you guys.warren: take care.