Wednesday, March 8, 2017

keto diet what to eat

keto diet what to eat

hey guys your keto coach here. brisk morning,it’s like plus seven in toronto, ontario canada. but out here i’m going to show youhow to deep fry chicken wings for a keto diet. i’m outside my back yard and i’ll showyou what i do and the tools i use and this will be a time out video with a few littlebreaks in between. i’m going to be deep frying today so wehave a bunch of chicken wings which were dried down. they’ve been patted down, you cansee from the napkins here, they are very dry, it’s really important to have dry wingsso it doesn’t splatter up in there and so it also cooks properly. some of the itemsthat we will be using today, ill show you these later, some kind of hot sauce so i usethe one here, just make sure there’s no

carbs or sugar added. in canada we have thisfor organic butter so i use organic meto for pasture butter and then lastly, some himalayansalt just to give it some flavour. so yeah those are after the deep frying. this is mydeep fryer, it’s a t filed deep fryer, works really good. just outside so it doesn’tsmell up the house and what we do is we set it to 375 or 374 in this case and if you openup in here, you’ll see this nice golden brown oil, its actually peanut oil we use.we don’t use anything else, peanut oil is good for you and actually works really is expensive but you can keep re using it and this one is actually good because itgoes right back into the bottom container after it’s done. so i’ll go right backafter the temperature has reached the 374

degree mark. and also when you do cook itfor at 374, 375, you only deep fry for around ten minutes and the wings are done. so we have reached 375 so i want to put thewings in so what i’ll do is ill grab a couple here. so i put enough in here just to makesure we have good coverage but don’t put too many otherwise it’s not going to cookproperly so you’re going to have to do a couple of batches which is fine. okay so wehave that so we are going to slowly put it in the oil and here it is. alright so nowwe are going to set the time right here for ten minutes so it’s set for ten minutesnow so that’s it. once it’s done in ten minutes i’ll take it out.

so here it is after ten minutes. you see itsall-golden brown. so i have already mixed my butter and hot sauce together. here itis half a cup. so i’m just going to pour some of it in here, mix it properly. you canadd as much as you want, eventually you’re going to have to mix it all together any let me just toss this up real quick. then ill sprinkle a little bit of salt in there.that’s it and then i’ll put it all in here and wait for the next ten minutes forthe next batch. i’ll keep repeating it until i’m done all the chicken wings that i showedyou earlier so that’s it. see how great that looks - now you know how to deep frychicken wings for a keto diet. the question i get often is how many wingsi eat. again it’s always important to think

about how many macros you have. make it fitinto your macros. two to three wings, three to four wings sometimes is what a lot of peopleeat but it’s a great fat source. the fat to protein ratio is great in wings so that’swhy it’s such a good thing for keto. again if you have any questions, if you’re lookingfor keto diet or keto consulting, hit me up at myketocoach dot com and make sure you subscribebelow because i’m going to be creating more videos for tips and tricks and quick recipeslike this. thanks

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