hello everyone, it's butter bobthis video is about sugar substitutes. sugar substitutes like, stuff like this.this is generic splenda. you know a lot of people have lost weightand they've used sugar substitutes. and they've got away with it. and everythingis fine. so when you have a little video or you tellthem something about this, they think that's overkill.but you know, it's not overkill for everybody. some people can not lose weight so long asthey're using sugar substitutes, especially certain types of sugar substitutes.and, so this video is about that. i'm going to tell you something in this videoand if you're having trouble, try what i'm
saying.do away with the sugar substitutes that i'm going to show you and try that for a weekor two and see what happens. sugar substitutes are deceptive.you know, in my at the store with butter bob video, i talked about this a little bit.today i want to be a little bit more detailed about it.so i have some examples of sugar substitutes here, and i just want to share them with you.and i want you to know how truly deceptive these things are, as far as weight loss goes.as far as carb counts go. as far as the things it might do to your body.so, i'm going to put on my little glasses on, here we go.this is generic splenda, it's the same, i'm
sure it's made probably by the same people.and the first ingredient on this big bag, that so many people use, is maltodextrin.and i'm going to try to hold it up to the camera and see if i can get it to show upon camera. maltodextrin.what is it? well, it's a carbohydrate.that's what it is. it's a carb.it's a carb that's been added as a bulking agent to sugar substitutes.and, you're going to be surprised to learn this, but it has a higher glycemic index,it hits your blood sugar higher than sugar itself.and it's in this bag of supposedly low carb
sugar substitute.this bag, the second ingredient is sucralose. and that actually is a sweetener that doesn'thit your blood sugar, that much. but this bag, that maltodextrin, is aboutninety-nine percent of the bulk of this bag and the sucralose is about one percent.and, i'm going to tell you something, you know body builders, and you can look thisup on google guys, body builders use this to do something.they use it is spike their insulin. because insulin is a hormone that builds,it builds tissue. that's what it's for, to build tissue.but we need to lose tissue. we need to have the opposite effect, on ourlife.
maltodextrine, you got to get this out ofyour life. you've got to get this big bag of sugar outof your life. and you know, everybody talks about stevia,unfortunately, and stevia is good, but unfortunately for me, i'm not able to use it.and maybe i'm just one of the rare exceptions, because i've never been able to use it.so if you need to use a little bit of sugar substitute, maybe a little in your coffee.if it's a deal breaker that you can't use anything else.go to the store and try to find a little liquid bottle, a liquid, comes in these little liquidbottles. this is a liquid bottle of splenda.it doesn't have the maltodextrin in it and
you can have a little bit.you know, in my whole weight loss journey, guys, i was so extremely strict about artificialsweeteners. i just was.i use a little bit in my coffee. and i got an example, i used a little of thisdavinci cream in my coffee, every once in a while.davinci syrup i should say. it's also a sucralose product, but i was verysparing with it. just a little, so i could have a little tastein my coffee. the best thing you could do is, cut this stuffout of your life. but, if it's a deal breaker for you, if youcan not live without having a little something,
then make sure you get the liquid versions.and they actually have a liquid version of stevia at the store.you'll find it. it looks something like this, maybe the storebrand, maybe whatever. i got this at walmart.i've seen these little bottles at other stores, under their store brand.so it's a little liquid, i'm not able to use it, my daughter and a few other people inmy family can use it. for some reason stevia doesn't agree withme, but it is actually really good. i mean, from everything i've seen, as faras sugar substitutes, if you're going to have one and like i said, you'd be better off ifyou didn't have one, but if you're going to
have one, i'd try stevia. alright, now let's look at some other stuffhere. i'm going to just pull it up here.this is stuff to be very careful about. this is truvia, and truvia, sorry i didn'thold it up to the camera. and truvia, this is also stevia, this is whati just told you that was good. here it is, the second ingredient in thistruvia is sugar. it's a blend, guys you've got to be reallycareful and look at the labels. this is actually sugar.has sugar in it. you have to also watch, if you're lookingfor stevia, here's stevia in the raw and if
you look at the ingredients here, the firstingredient is dextrose. dextrose. dextrose is a sugar, it's a sugar.just like maltodextrin. it's a carbohydrate, all carbohydrates arebasically sugar, turn to sugar in your blood stream.alright, here is another no, no. i hear people all the time, agave, agave,don't use agave. now, this does not hit your blood sugars,the same way as other sugars or sugar substitutes could do, but like i told you in my othervideos, this is mostly fructose sugar. and fructose sugar is not good for your liver.for more on that, watch my you got to get sugar out of your life video.i mean, it's so important guys that you get
this stuff and understand what these productsdo to your body. another big question that i get all the timeis about diet soda. guys, i'm going to tell you something fromfirst hand experience, and from the experience of a lot of people that i know, you need toleave diet soda alone. diet soda, diet coke, diet pepsi, diet whatever,can slow your weight loss down or maybe even make it stop.i'm not sure about all the mechanisms for why it does this, but it does, it really does.it may be the high sodium, it could be the aspartame that's in it, but from first handexperience i know that this is true. i've seen it in my own weight loss journey,i've seen it in my daughters weight loss journey,
i've seen it in many people's weight lossjourney. that diet soda, which is basically artificiallysweetened, causes people to have trouble. constipation problems, they have weight lossproblems, they hold water. guys, you'd be better off to leave them alone.have coffee, have water, have tea, have, some people like bone broth.have these things. try to break the habit of the diet soda.and, i know some of it is a caffeine problem, you know people try to quit the diet soda,all of a sudden they feel terrible. and, i can relate to that because i was adiet soda addict at one time, even when i was three hundred pounds drinking diet soda,but it didn't help me lose weight, for sure.
but, you really do need to leave those thingsalone, for sure. i know these are rules and regulations, idon't like that, but if you're having trouble, that could be it.it really could. and, if you're going to do this thing, youwant to be successful. listen, when i say keep it simple on yourdiet, i mean that literally. you'd be better off in the beginning to really,really limit the amount of artificial sugars and artificial sweeteners that you use.because these are one of the main items that cause people trouble.and listen guys, these things have been shown in studies to raise insulin levels and thisis what we don't want to do.
and for people who are insulin resistant orhave hyperinsulinemia, they're chronically high insulin, it may raise your insulin morethan other people. guys, we are trying to get well, and believeme, i'm going to do a video on this in the future,you can fix this insulin problem. there may come a time when you're able tohandle a little bit, but for now you've got to fix the problem.you can not fool around at the edges. now, for those of you who have used theseproducts with no problem, and lost weight, i'm happy for you.i'm sure it made your experience so much easier. but for those of you that are having trouble,believe me, follow my advise, leave these
things alone.and if you have to have something, just a little something for your coffee, get somekind of liquid stevia, some of this davinci syrup, this is no sugar davinci syrup, ora little something like that. be very sparing with it.just enough to get you by. and most the time, i don't use it, becausei've learned to not need or want sugar. thank you so much watching these videos, thankyou for liking them, thank you for the comments that i get.and thank you so much, most of all, for subscribing to this channel.we're building a community. thank you so much.good bye.
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