Tuesday, March 14, 2017

ketogenic diet foods to avoid

ketogenic diet foods to avoid

hey guys, dr. axe here, doctor of naturalmedicine and founder of draxe.com. in this video i'm going to share with you the candidadiet and my top tips to cure candida fast. i can tell you from working with thousandsof patients. i'm going to go through the exact diet, the supplements, and a few treatmenttips that i can tell you, just within 24 hours you can start seeing incredible results ineliminating candida. so let's start with number one, the foodsyou've got to get out of your diet. it's going to be sugar, grains, and surprisingly foodsthat are cold. now, that's part of chinese medicine which i'll share more in a minute.but for starting out, if you have candida, you obviously . . . i think you know this,but you want to get rid of sugar. you know,

any time you have that white thrush on yourtongue, that's a sign that yeast is feeding on sugar within your body. we want to start eliminating yeast. we wantto stop feeding that candida albicans. and so, in order to do that, you've got to eliminateall sugar from your diet, and then also eliminate grains because grains are breaking down intosugar very quickly and even fruit at first. now, listen, long-term, you're going to addsome grains back in after a few days and even fruit later on. but again, to start thoseare the biggest culprits that are causing candida to grow. and last but not least, this is really important.if you're over consuming cold foods, ice water,

ice cream, cold smoothies. according to chinesemedicine, your spleen and pancreas and these areas in your body that are responsible foreliminating candida, they get over burdened by cold foods. and so rather than having acold smoothie, have a warm bowl of broth or rather than doing ice cream, have somethingwarm. again, you want things that are warming to your body and drying. that's the key tokilling candida. number two is doing a candida cleanse. beforeyou go on my candida diet, what i recommend the first thing you do is do a three day cleansewhere you're only consuming bone broth and vegetables, and that's really it for threedays. so again, bone broth, vegetables. you could do a little chicken in there as well.

basically you want to get a big crock pot.you want to do some chicken broth along with vegetables, including onions, celery, garlic,and a little bit of kale and sea salt. and basically you're going to do that soup withbasically vegetables. you can also throw in things, like cauliflower and broccoli. andyou're going to do that bone broth soup with a little bit of chicken and just consume thatfor three days. i've had people do that two weeks to see even faster results. that's whereyou want to start, in terms of doing a candida cleanse. it's mostly bone broth for a fewdays with a little bit of vegetables and sometimes a little bit of chicken. step three is doing the candida diet, andhere are the best foods for helping you cure

candida. number one, it's going to be steamedvegetables, okay? vegetables are the easiest thing for your body to digest. that's thefirst food. the second food is going to be fermented vegetables, like sauerkraut. now,typically you don't want to eat the sauerkraut cold, but sauerkraut and kimchi are warmingto the body. they actually also help your body get more good bacteria in its probioticswhich will help crowd out the yeast and bad bacteria that's built up within your system. the number three food is going to be bonebroth. bone broth is incredible because it contains the amino acid, glycine, which supportsthe liver and helps your body clear candida. the fourth food is going to be organic meat,like wild caught salmon, organic chicken and

turkey, lamb and grass fed beef. those aresome other great options of foods that can help eliminate candida. and last but not least, it's going to be starchyvegetables, specifically things like butternut squash, spaghetti squash, and pumpkin. doinga little bit of starchy vegetables. now, you don't want to overboard with those, but oneto two servings a day, earlier in the day, rather than doing grains and sugars, you dostarchy vegetables which are a little bit sweet. according to chinese medicine, thosefoods help nourish the spleen. they help nourish the body so your body can actually start tobuild up the strength of those organs which are responsible for eliminating candida fromthe body.

by the way, if you want to a full report onthis on all of the foods that are best, i've got an article on draxe.com. so you can goto draxe.com, look up candida diet, and i've got a diet on there for you on my website. step number four is take the right supplements.by far, the number one supplement for killing candida is actually not just a supplement,it's a tea. it's called pau d'arco. now, you can take pau d'arco as a supplement, but irecommend it in a tea form drinking three glasses of pau d'arco tea a day. and pau d'arco,that's spelled p-a-u d'arco, d-a-r-c-o tea, and you can order this simply online veryeasily. but i'm telling you the number one supplement for killing candida is pau d'arcotea. it works very effectively.

a few other things that really help are essentialoils, specifically essential oils of clove, oil of oregano, and myrrh essential oil. thosethree oils help eliminate pathogenic bacteria from the body. and the way that i recommendyou use those is simply rubbing those on your abdomen, rubbing those on your neck, diffusingthem in your home. simply breathing those in on a regular basis but those essentialoils are effective. a few other things that are effective at candidaare taking capric acids, a caprylic acid supplement, taking a berberine supplement, and then alsousing coconut oil. in fact, coconut oil has anti-microbial benefits at killing off candida. and last step but not least in the candidadiet is actually has to do with lifestyle.

if you want to overcome candida, you've gotto reduce stress, and exercise can help in eliminating candida, specifically anythingthat's really getting the body warm. so whether that's weight training, whether that's anyform of cardio, actually typically weight training or burst training is the best thingto do. and you can do a google search for burst training online, but that's going tobe the most effective type of exercise to clear candida completely from the body. andso, again, if you want to clear candida, you've got to do that. and here's something else i want you to thinkabout. with the chinese diet, if you look at chinese medicine, what happens, your body,when you have candida, it's typically damp

and cold, okay? so think about that. that'swhere mold and fungus and things grow. if you want to get rid of candida, you have gotto consume a diet that is drying and warmer. and so foods that are very drying in natureare going to be vegetables that's going to be warm foods, like garlic and onions. it'sgoing to be actually if you're going to do one grain corn and then amaranth are two ofthe best because they're drying to the body. you really want to dry the body out, and that'swhy paul d'arco tea is so great as well. so again, guys hey i want to say thank youfor watching. if you want to get my full guide on the candida diet, make sure you go to draxe.comor just do a google search for dr. axe candida diet, and you'll find my article right there.also, if you want to learn more natural remedies,

make sure you subscribe here to my youtubepage. i want to say, hey, thanks for watching this. this has been myself, dr. axe, talkingabout the candida diet.

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