what do you think of the ketogenic diet successstories we’ve heard about? you’ll lose weight on the ketogenic dietif you control your calorie intake. i know, pigging out on four thousand caloriesof steak helps no one’s diet. do you think the claims of everything it can cure are true? a lot of ketogenic diet claims are excessiveif not outright false. losing the weight may reverse type 2 diabetes, but it won’t combatcancer. your risk of cancer goes up if you are overweight. the risk goes up if you drink too much alcohol,smoke marijuana or tobacco and as you get older. and losing thirty pounds this yearisn’t as big a deal as your genetic and
lifestyle risks. the ketogenic diet is a lifestyle. unless you are an inuit or mongolian, no onelives that life all the time. and the inuit risk their lives going under ice flows duringlow tide to get mussels because they are tired of eating caribou all day. the ketogenic diet sometimes helps you loseweight because protein controls your appetite better than simple carbs. if your blood sugar is stable, you aren’thungry. a slow drop means you’ll last longer before you feel starving.
if your blood sugar rises quickly, you gethyper. that isn’t true. but you could just eatfoods with a low glycemic index; that’s a measure of how little it affects your bloodsugar levels. which foods are those? foods from black beans to spaghetti squashhave a low gi. and meat, assuming you are not getting chicken nuggets cut with flour. ketogenic diets are supposed to blast bellyfat. a diet high in sugars and alcohol tends tolead to an accumulation around the liver. a diet that burns away that fat will tendto get rid of the belly fat unless you’re
living off alcohol. some people have been told that a ketogenicdiet will cure epilepsy. that is over-rated if not untrue. if you thinkyou’ve got epilepsy, see a neurologist instead of starting a radical atkins plan. i guess your diet can’t cure everything,but it can cause plenty of problems. starting with the mirror.
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