Thursday, February 23, 2017

foods to avoid on ketogenic diet

foods to avoid on ketogenic diet

hey, guys. dr. axe here. in this video, i'mgoing to talk about high estrogen foods you must avoid and also estrogen-rich foods thatcan destroy your health and really cause major hormonal issues. there are a lot of things that people areeating today that are disrupting their hormones, causing estrogen to be high, causing progesteroneto be low. some of the side effects are, for men, havingmore feminine characteristics, and for women, increased issues like hypothyroidism, autoimmunedisease, chronic fatigue, and even ovarian cancer are some side effects of consumingtoo many estrogen-rich foods. i'm going to talk about the five estrogen-basedfoods and products you absolutely want to

avoid, and then talk about a food here atthe very end that you'll want to add into your diet to help your body detox the excessestrogen. so the first food that you want to avoid thatcontains way too much estrogen, or what are called xenoestrogens, is soy. we know soyproducts today, especially processed soy, most of it is genetically modified. and consumingsoy, again, a very high estrogen-based food. whether it be soy milk, soy protein powder,or just regular soy beans, this is something you want to avoid. now, soy started being consumed in large amountsyears ago because it was so popular in okinawa, japan, but they consumed a different typeof soy. it wasn't the genetically modified

soy that we consume today. it was a type ofsoy called natto, which is fermented soy beans. so it was loaded with probiotics, vitamink2. it didn't have the same estrogen effects. the reason why these estrogen foods are anissue is because they're called xenoestrogens. they increase estrogen in your body, or theyact like estrogen, which again increases your risk of breast cancer and cervical cancerin women. and for men, major testosterone issues, impotence and other health again, soy: number one estrogen-rich food you've got to stay away from. number two food is too much sugar. too manysugars and carbohydrates can increase estrogen in your body and lower progesterone. so eliminatethe processed sugar. get rid of grains in

large amounts. if you're consuming large grains,switch over to doing more fruits, vegetables. or if you need to do grains, sprouted grainsare a better option. but really balancing out those ratios, lowering your carb intake.increasing your intake of healthy fats will also help naturally balance out and decreaseexcess estrogen in your body. now, maybe the biggest offender of excessestrogen in your diet is consuming conventional meat and dairy products. in fact, i read astudy recently out of spain, and they found that your average milk today contains 20 differentchemicals and medications, including growth hormones like rbgh, as well as estradiol andother hormone-based medications. so again, think about this. you go, your regulargrocery store, pick up a gallon of milk. that

milk contains over 20 different medicationsand chemicals, which is going to increase your estrogen. this is why in my family practicein nashville, i had young girls coming in, hitting their menstrual cycle closer to 9and 10 years old, rather than 13 and 14, because of all of these extra hormones and steroidsin the milk supply, and the same goes for the meat you eat. if you are shopping on a budget, and you don'thave a lot of extra money to spend, if you're going to invest in your health anywhere, makesure it's on your meat. so doing grass-fed organic meat and raw organic dairy products,because if you're doing those and they're not organic, we know they've got steroidsand estrogen in them. that's going to increase

your risk of all the things we talked about,from cancer to autoimmune disease to other neurological issues. then last but not least, again, we talkedabout getting rid of soy, getting rid of sugar, getting rid of the conventional meat and dairy.then the last one here is a product, but stop drinking out of or eating a lot of thingsout of plastic containers that contain bpa. bpa stands for bisphenol-a. it's a compoundin plastics that's known as an estrogen-mimicker or a phyto or a xenoestrogen. so staying away from the plastic bottles,especially when they're heated. if you leave a plastic bottle of water out in the sun,actually by about 90 to 100 times of those

plastics will leach into the water. when you'redrinking those, those will get into your system, causing these hormonal-based problems. another thing along with plastic are teflonpans. in fact, when you heat up teflon pans, that heat actually increases what are calledpflas, which are also estrogen mimickers, by 400 times. so again, heating teflon pans,doing things out of plastic bottles, another big no-no in things you absolutely want toavoid if you want to decrease estrogen. here's my last tip. obviously, we want toget rid of those foods and products. if you want to start detoxing your body of estrogen,there is a substance found in cruciferous vegetables called indole-3-carbinol. it startsout as a form of sulfur in your body. sulfur

has powerful . . . or sulfurane has powerfuldetoxification properties. so if you can eliminate those foods and startconsuming more cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, brussel sprouts,kale, collard greens, these cruciferous vegetables will absolutely help your body detox withindole-3-carbinole, as well as a few other things you may consider for detox. there's supplementing with milk thistle anddandelion, two other great things. so cruciferous vegetables, milk thistle are great to supportyour body, detoxifying from excess estrogen. hey, guys. get those estrogen-rich foods outof your diet. hey, this has been dr. axe.

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