Wednesday, March 1, 2017

how to put your body into ketosis

how to put your body into ketosis

hi everybody. this is kiefer from and today, i wanted to talk about ketosisand keto sticks and how useful are the keto sticks. they became a craze with atkins. thisguy loved keto sticks. i swear he mentioned them in every other page of his book. “getout those keto sticks.” i think he just had an obsession with people peeing on sticksin the bathroom. i’m not exactly sure, because keto sticks are actually useless. they don’ttell when you’re in a state of ketogenesis – which is when your body is turning fattyacids into ketones and you’re effectively burning fat and you’re very inefficient.this is a good state to be in. the problem is, keto sticks only tell youhow many ketones are coming out through your

urine. this could happen for a number of can happen during the prep phase of carb back-loading or carb nite. it can happen firstthing in the morning – and does to a lot of people. it can happen after a trainingsession. but it can also happen if you’ve been ketogenicall day and have a large load of carbohydrates. that large load of glucose creates a surplusof ketones that your body can’t use effectively, so you pee them out. so in that case, theketo sticks actually tell you the wrong thing. they show you that you’re in ketosis, whichis just peeing out ketones. but in fact, your body is no longer ketogenic. so, keto sticks are absolutely 100% uselessfor use on these diets if you’re trying

to learn about if your body is burning fator not. they cannot tell you that information. it’s simply a waste of your money. or again,if you’re like atkins and enjoy peeing on a stick and potentially missing from timeto time, and ensuring that you need to wash your hands in the bathroom, then you can getketo sticks. otherwise, i would just ignore them in the store. alright, that’s another tip from points covered in this video: ketosis, ketosticks, how useful are keto sticks, atkins, atkins diet, peeing on a stick, ketogenesis,effectively burning fat, ketones, ketones in urine, ketogenic, prep phrase of carb back-loading,glutose, keto sticks are useless, keto sticks

are misleading, washing your hands

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