Thursday, March 2, 2017

is ketosis safe

is ketosis safe

hey guys, dr. axe here, founder of draxe.comand doctor of natural medicine. today i want to answer the question, is olive oil healthyand talk about the many health benefits of olive oil. and i might surprise you in thisvideo to let you know, olive oil can be an incredible super food. the problem is 98%of olive oil today is not true extra virgin olive oil. and because of it, much of ourolive oil today is fake and it can actually have some negative health benefits. so inthis video as well, i'm going to teach you and show you at the end how to pick out somereal quality olive oil. my wife and i, dr. chelsea a few years agowent to tuscany and we were in an area there called cinque terre and i had some of theirpesto and their olive oil and i remember holding

up the olive oil and smelling it. it smelledand tasted like fresh herbs were exploding in my mouth at such a strong and potent scent.and i said to my wife, i said, "wow. this is the best olive oil i've ever had." i said,"it's unlike anything i've had in the u.s." and one of the things i started doing a lotof research during the trip and once i got back from the trip and found out that themajority of olive oil today is laced with other oils like soy bean oil, canola it's actually not good for you, it's actually toxic to the body. and i really started learningover there as we did some cheese tasting, olive oil tasting and wine tasting tours,really seeing the process that they go through in caring for and really creating amazingquality olive oil.

and so first thing when buying olive oil,you want to make sure that it is first pressed and cold pressed. i'll talk about more ofthat about the end. but if you're buying quality olive oil, some of the things you're goingto find in there, number one it is packed with polyphenols. and polyphenols are a typeof anti-oxidant that really help support both the brain as well as the heart. and so ifyou're looking to lower cholesterol, if you're looking to lower blood pressure, if you'relooking to support your brain and focus and even prevent long term diseases like alzheimer'sand parkinson, we know that olive oil is a great super food because of those polyphenols,those fat soluble anti-oxidants. also we know olive oil is full of what areknown as mono and saturated fatty acids as

well as oleic acids. and these types of fattyacids are very good for the heart. they also support balancing hormones and help lubricateyour joints. and so again olive oil, an amazing super food for all of those internal systemswithin your body. and last and not least, olive oil is alsopacked with vitamin e. vitamin e is crucial for heart health, vitamin e is crucial forhaving healthy glowing skin. so gain vitamin e another very important fat soluble anti-oxidantthat is found in great amounts in extra virgin olive oil. so again, if you want to improvethe health of your brain, your heart, as well as your joints and your hormones, olive oilis a must have in your diet. and its a key element of the mediterraneandiet. we've seen through medical studies that

those who were following a mediterranean dietwhich is high in olive oil and wild caught fish, so a lot of healthy fats, have lowerincidences of cardio-vascular disease. so again olive oil, amazing super food for that. now here's the flip end of this. most oliveoil today is not true olive oil. it is loaded with . . . it's either watered down with soybean oil, in fact there's a great article and study out there talking about, is yourolive oil fake? in fact you can do an online search to find my article on it and just lookup dr. axe olive oil fake. if you do that google search will find my long form articlewith every detail about . . . even my five step program on how to pick the best oliveoil and the olive oil i personally recommend.

so again just dr. axe, olive oil fake on googleand you'll find it on there. but again, here's is what you want to do tofind good and real olive. well let me say this. the fake olive oil out there, becauseit has soy bean oil and genetically modified canola oil, it's going to cause heart disease,it's going to be highly inflammatory. whereas, the mediterranean diet in olive oil is anti-inflammatoryand help can reverse disease. this other fake olive oil is going to be causing major healthproblems. so here's what you want to look and here's how you know if you're gettinggood quality olive oil. number one, now you can't always be doingwhen buying it but once you get it at home, smell it. i mean i'm smelling with this oliveoil, i'm smelling pepper, i'm smelling fresh

herbs, i'm smelling olives. i mean i havea really, it is a very distinct strong aroma and smell that should be with your olive oil.your olive oil should always come in a dark glass bottle, whether it's dark brown or green.again, there should be a dark bottle there. the other thing is if you put your olive oilin the refrigerator, it should turn a little white and cloudy there as well. so it shouldharden up a little bit or at least get cloudy there if you have the right olive oil. soagain putting it in the fridge you know right away, opening it, you're smelling it. anotherthing you want the dark bottle that's number three. number four, you want to look for extravirgin olive oil. now, that's not the only thing you want to look for, but you wantedto look for extra virgin and a few other things

to look for, i try and buy sometimes certifiedor organic or at least a company that doesn't use chemicals. and also you want to look at the harvest season.on this bottle here it says, italian harvest season 2014. and often at times it has a specificdate. in fact, this olive oil specifically, again the 2014, the fall season there. andit even says the lot number, so this is like red wine. i mean they have it in barrels,they have it in certain areas. this is lot 14l5. i mean we're talking about very specificthings. so when you're buying olive oil, you wantit again, dark glass bottle, you want it to be extra virgin olive oil, you want it tohave that smell, you want to put it in the

refrigerator and it actually turns cloudy.or hardens slightly and then also you want to be able to see the harvest date on there,and the expiration date there on the bottle. those are key elements in finding olive oil. so to answer your question, is olive oil healthy?absolutely. olive oil has tremendous health benefits, it's one of the healthiest foodsin the world. it's great for your heart, your brain, your hormones, but it has to be real,unadulterated true, extra virgin olive oil. and if you want to learn more about the healthbenefits of olive oil, again check out my articles on by the way, i've got some great healthy recipesand i've got a pesto recipe on my website

using true olive oil that you would love.just again go to or search dr. axe pesto and you'll find my recipe there online.and hey, if you've enjoyed this video and want to learn more about healing foods, makesure you subscribe here to my youtube channel. thanks for watching guys. this has been me,dr. axe talking about, the many health benefits of olive oil.

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