Monday, March 6, 2017

keto diet for beginners

keto diet for beginners

horns up and welcome to a brand newepisode of headbangers kitchen it's been a while, my friends, and i'mglad to be back. and today i'm going to be cooking up a delicious and creamy andcheesy lemon pepper chicken for you. now i've been eating lemon pepper chicken since i was like ye high, you know, it's been in my family for along time, this recipe, and there's always somebody coming from america who brings abottle of lemon pepper seasoning and this is what we've always used. mygrandfather used to make this recipe, my mother makes it, and now i'm making aswell. now if you don't have this lemon pepperseasoning, you can just use garlic powder,

salt, black pepper, and lemon juice. notlimbu (key limes) but lemons, those lovely yellow ones. so let's goand make this lemon pepper chicken so to make the lemon pepper chicken thefirst thing we're going to do is season the chicken on both sides with thatdelicious lemon pepper powder now if you don't have this lemon pepper powder just use garlic powder, pepper and salt. that's enough to get thisdish done. the next thing we're going to do is get some olive oil on a pan andput that on a high heat and get it nice and hot.

then we're going to cook our chicken inthat pan and you want to get a delicious brown golden caramelisation onthat chicken oh my god, look how delicious that looks. that's exactly the color we want andwe're going to flip it over and cook for another three to four minutes once the other side of the chicken iscooked you want to deglaze the pan with a little bit of water – and this is justto get all those flavors out and sort of have like a little bit of gravy with it. the next thing you want to do is put insome of your favorite cheese.

now, this is not my favorite cheese butthis is the processed cheese that we get india – the brand is irrelevant – they allmake them and they all make them the same. this cheese in particular has avery unique taste and i find that this is the best cheese for this dish, but ifyou're not living in india you can just use your standard cheddar cheese, that works justas well. now, we want a nice rich and creamy sauceso we're just going to add in some fresh cream. next we're gonna add some fresh chivesto this. now, if you don't have chives where youlive, you can use a spring onion green as

well – that's a perfect alternative. andfinally a nice sprinkling of parsley, and you're going to give this all ofgood mix and incorporate everything in together. and look at that, it looksdelicious! we're going to finish it off with alittle bit of grated cheese on the top a little bit of chives and some of that parsley. oh my god, doesthat look delicious or does that look delicious time to taste this delicious lemonpepper chicken. all right, so it's time to taste thedelicious lemon pepper chicken and i've

got my beautiful girlfriend deepti here with me. deepti are you ready to taste? let's taste. as good, if not better as our first datenight, the first time you made this for remains one of my favorite dishes so i made this for her the first time we went out on a date? no, the first time we had a date night or something. first time you cooked for me so, gentlemen out there, if youwant to woo the ladies this is the dish to go with – creamy, cheesy lemon pepper chicken. it is really good! must be that that cast-iron pani bought.

oh that cheese! i told you, i don't usually like all the amuls and the vijayas and the britannias (cheese) but in this dish it works. anyway, thanks for being onshow, deepti. thank you for feeding me. i hope you guysenjoyed this episode. do subscribe to the channel, do give the video a thumbs up ifyou liked it, and i'll see you on the next episode of headbanger's kitchen. cheers and keep cooking! it is very good! it's so good! imma eat all that. that's all yours only. oh and it's keto friendly!

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