Tuesday, March 7, 2017

keto diet meal plan

keto diet meal plan

what you wanna do is get on the right pathand the right path simplicity keep it simple and stay on the right path hello everyone, it's old butter bob, i'm out here in the woods. sometimes it feels like it's a bewildering situation when when you first dieting. you have so muchinformation coming at you from every conceivable direction and i'm just onemore instance of someone send you more information but i wanna i wanna tell youabout my experience and maybe it'll help you a little bit. you know, i'm out here in thewoods and there's all kinds of trees and bushes and we could pretend likethose things are kind of like information

but what we really need to know is a simple idea where the path is. what is it that we're really trying to do? the path of course is we want to lose that big belly we got and we want to know the best wayto do that well, i had a gift given to me and it was the gift of not being a very good cook i'm a terrible cook actually, and every timei try a new recipe it doesn't work out very well for me so i had to learn how to keep my food very simple so i just broke it down to the very most simple things that i could do like i told you in my other videos, i had bacon and eggs,sausage and eggs, i had fried chicken

cooked in lard. i did very simple menu, a simple high fat menu and i noticed something i didn't need all these elaborate recipesbecause my appetite went down and i noticed that i wasn't eating and ifollowed and listen to my body listen it's only later on as i was moreand more successful that i realized that i had accidentally tapped into the mostimportant thing that you could possibly do on this diet what is that thing? it's listen, listenwe're trying to reduce our weight and some people will complicate that theywant they want to make up a hundred different recipes, or they want to dovery elaborate things but what we gotta

do is focus on what the real thing is that we're trying to do and that real thing is to lose the fat. well, these thissimple food makes it easy you're you're able to eat, but not spending a lot of timeon the eating or the preparing of the food and therefore you're able to get on with your life fasting is the same way. when you feel the appetite control kick in, you want to go with it you want to listen to it listen to your body believed me guys itwill get so much easier for you as you go along. the magic and this is reallythe magic is once you get your appetite down and you begin theprocess fasting its gonna make things

easier you're gonna see your weight iscoming off your not having to put all your energy your mental thought intogetting this thing accomplished. you're just doing what nature tells you to do, not eat, and when it is time to eat you've got some kind of simplelittle meal that you can eat to get you by some people say well that's reallyboring well i'm telling you it's not boring when you're able to come out to apark like this and walk up and down these hills without being out of breath, that's not boring, and it's not boring to be able to jump on a trampoline with your grandkids, that's not boring, what is boring is being heavy and being confused and studyingyourself to death trying to figure out a

thousand different recipes to make thiswork look at yourself a high-fat diet did you actually simple menu layout fewsimple meals that you can put together for your week listen to your body andwatch the way come off as a weight comes off you'll feel better and better you'llfeel better about every aspect of your life as you see this thing work guys iknow what it's like to be bewildered you know it to be in a forceful ofinformation and not know what to do you know before i lost the weight before igot on this plane i went to a jail and i worked myself have to bear on thesemachines and it did almost no good at

all it made me feel terrible aboutmyself i'm not putting exercise then exercises fantastic career hell but itwas a waste of my time we all have a limited amount of time to get thingsdone before before we become frustrated so what we need to do is find simplicityemploy that simplicity and go with it bulimia wants guys you have no idea howpower how powerful it is to get your insulin level down and watch your bodytransform itself by making simple look on my website this could be a shortvideo on my website i have a little article called simple boring take achainsaw to your problem man you creating a pretty much puts together theidea of eating high-fat diet put

together a simple high-fat diet but youget a simple strategies that you can put together to make those recipes for suremaybe increase the fat in those recipes it also put together my idea thatsimplicity + listening to your body plus short-term fasting is it just a it's amiracle almost a white will do your body because i willtell you why it's not because it's a smart plan on my part is because it'snature's light it is nature's way to get the white often get you back down or youshould also be so when you do it nature's white horse it's much easierthan doing it some smart guys wife are some intelligent persons white folks yougotta see this beautiful here keeping it

simple help you control your appetiteand that's the whole point controlling your appetite allows you to harnessnature's power and nature's power which is fast think we'll ask you to lose thewhite house to make a lot of plans will have to think a lot about all the issuesthat you need to do just need to harness nature's power thank you

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