Tuesday, March 7, 2017

keto diet recipes

keto diet recipes

horns up and welcome to a brand newepisode of headbangers kitchen, and i'm back with a brand new keto recipe. last week, i made cauliflower pizza. yep if you haven't seen that yet, go andwatch it. and today i'm going to be making some zucchini pasta or as they call it zucchini spaghetti, buthonestly, to get that spaghetti shape you need to buy something called thespiralizer and i'm not convinced enough you have to spend about 4,000indian rupees on one. so, instead, we're going to make zucchini"pasta" so that the spaghetti mafia doesn't

get offended and, in fact, ours is morelike a fettuccine. and i'm going to show you three different recipes, one with a tomato base, one with a cheese base and one with a pesto base. so let's go and make zucchini pasta. nowto make your zucchini pasta you can either use a yellow zucchini or greenzucchini, probably doesn't matter, and all you need to do is take yourpeeler and start peeling it into long strands now i personally am not using the skin,because, for some reason, actually the indian zucchinis

they taste weird on the skin especiallywhen eaten just like this, but what you want to do is keep peeling the zucchiniflesh till you reach the core of it once you reach the core, you don't knowyou want to peel anymore and it's really that simple, that's your zucchini fettuccine! and we're done! well the zucchini broke in two, but as youcan see i've reach the core, so it's quite alright. these make a great snackwhile cooking. let's go make zucchini pasta three different ways. alright, so the first one is a deliciouszucchini pasta bake and it's so easy

it's not even funny. so, first, you take an ovenproof dish andin that we're going to put our zucchini pasta. on top of that we're going to pourover our favorite pasta sauce you can use a store-bought one if you likeor you can make yours fresh at home i'm going to chop up some salami me that i got from the czech republicand just going to fry that in a pan, so it gets nice and crispy i'm going to add that into my pasta dishand i'm going to put a spoon of olive oil

now this is mainly because i'm on a ketodiet and i need to get fat from the olive oil but if you're eating regular food youcan just skip the olive oil, just put a wee bit if you like. the next thing igoing to do is mix this all up nicely now if it looks a little dry to you you canadd an extra bit of sauce i think i'm going to do that and then ismothered it with a whole layer of cheese mmm, and now i put this in an ovento bake it 200 degrees for about 10 minutes and cook it till the top is niceand golden brown. and that's it, your zucchini spaghetti bake is ready, andoh my god! does that look delicious or does thatlook delicious

that's one down and two more to go andnow we're going to make our zucchini pasta in a creamy cheesy white saucewith some mushroom and bacon and some fresh parsley. let's go make it. we're going to start byheating up some olive oil in a pan and to that we're going to add some choppedgarlic and i like a lot of garlic in mine and you want to cook the garlictill it starts to brown why the garlic is cooking we're going tochop up to mushrooms into little pieces and throw them into the pan as well saute this for a bit and add in yourzucchini spaghetti.

i mean zucchini fettuccine. damn, i keepmaking the same mistake. let your zucchini cook for a bit and addin your cream pour in the cream and then sprinkle on a generous helping of cheeseand you want that cheese and the cream to melt together and become a deliciouscheesy sauce. then, on the side, we're going to quickly fry up some bacon, chop it upnice and fine and then sprinkle it all over our pasta give it a good mix and we're going toquickly chop up some parsley and use that and finish off our pasta oh my god that looks so good!

creamy, cheesy, bacony, mushroomy anddelicious. yum yum! that's two down and one more to go and the third one is the most simple ofthe lot it's a delicious pesto pasta with just...it doesn't even need anything. it's just got pesto and some parmesan cheese. it's delicious! let me show you how tomake it. so the first thing we're going to do is again heat some olive oil in ourpan and add the zucchini spaghetti to that. stir it around a bit and once yousee the zucchini start to soften add a nice big spoon of pesto. you can useany pesto you like รข€“ you can use homemade

or store bored and just give that a goodmix and then we're going to grate some parmesan cheese over that and then turnthe gas off that's it, it's literally that simple andit's done! alright, so here are the three differentzucchini passes and this is my favorite part where i get to taste this. i'm going to start with the pesto, let'stry that. ooh yummy, i can twirl it as well. yummy, i mean pesto, parmesan cheese,zucchini. delicious. i didn't even really needto season this at all because the pesto

has everything. delicious. now i'm going to try the creamy, cheesy.oh yeah, take it with a piece of bacon and again twirl it on my fork. mmm oh oh heavenly father, i'm not reallyreligious but cheese, cream bacon, parsley, i'm in heavenman. and now the final one, the one i'mlooking forward to most because of this

delicious crusty layer of cheese on thetop and i deliberately cook it till it's like a nice hard layer of cheese almost. yep, it's a little difficult to cut throughwith a fork but get a piece of that salami, some that zucchini. sweet mother ohh mm-hmm that

crispy cheese and the salami and thetomato sauce and zucchini... to be really honest the zucchini is just a vehicle, much likethe cauliflower was in the cauliflower pizza. and i really hope you enjoyedthis episode. i hope you will make this dish at home. in fact, if you've got tworecipes for zucchini pasta which i have not tried out, please share them with me, i would loveto try your recipes. and thank you for watching this video, please give us thethumbs up, subscribe to our youtube channel if you like what we do, sharethis video on facebook and i'll see you

on the next episode of headbangerskitchen keto recipes. till next time, cheers and keep cooking. i'm going to go back to... what happens if i mix them all up? cheese, tomato, cream, let's do that let'sjust mix everything up and eat it. tomato cheese cream sauce. buh bye!

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