Wednesday, March 8, 2017

keto diet safe

keto diet safe

hey everyone. a.a. hadi. fasting bro. 5 questions for this week all came from emails. thank you guys for taking the time to writeto me. first question. from tina. she says, “havingwatched your videos and seeing your transformation in such a short time, i think it’s a bittoo extreme. was it safe?” well, first of all i thinkshe meant my first transformation, the one from 98 kilos to 65 kilos in 4 months. thiswas my first time trying to really lose weight. so i had to do a bit of experiment hereand there, with my diets, and training, etc. i get where she’s going with this. extremeweight loss plan can be dangerous.

at the end of day, my answer is this, disclaimer: please consult your physician. it all depends on your body. if you think your diet is tooextreme, ask yourself, “can i take this? can i keep going?” truly ask yourself.though, most of the time for me, i just kept going because i could take it. and also because i was so motviated when i saw the scale going down so fast. extreme dieting is definitely not for everyone, soif you can’t take it, step back, adjust it, increase your calories, and decrease theintensity of your training.

second question. from george. he says, “i wantto start losing weight, but i have no idea when or how to start”. well, i always start a diet plan on a monday, because it's easy to track your progress whenyou start on the beginning of the week. i know for others, and maybe for me too in somecases, it’s very hard to take that first step. but i always tell people, if you wantto start losing weight, before anything else, start with this. avoid ice creams, chocolates,candies and all other junk foods, and substitute your liquid intake with strictly water. sobasically you’ll still be eating pretty much anything you want, but you only eat properwhole food, and you only drink water.

do this for maybe, 2-3 weeks, if you can commit yourself and stick with this, then you’re ready to looking into a diet plan. third question. from wonda. she asks, "what is the best weight loss plan?”this is strictly a matter of personal preference. to me, any weight loss plan works. it’sjust a question of whether you like it or not. or should i say, whether you would be miserablewhen following the diet or not? but if you ask me, i think the best weight loss planis a ketogenic diet. a keto, combining it with intermittent fasting. fyi, i’m not doing this diet at the moment because i don’t the need to, but it is the fastest wayin my experience to lose weight and strip bodyfat.

fourth question. from david. what is the best way to maintain weight after a huge loss?now i’m probably not the best person to ask this question to.because if you’ve seen my previous video, you know i’ve gained, and lost, and gained,and lost, in that cycle, for over 2 years now.but, i will talk in depth about this topic in a future video.briefly, there are a few ways you can do this. first, surefire way, count calories. second,estimate the portion and go from there. third, it's my favorite, just don’t botherwith calories and eat whatever you want in any amount you can.

the trick with this is that when you start to realise your shirts or pants get tighter,then it’s time to tone down the binge eating and start exercising regularly.whichever ways you choose, make sure to exercise 4-5 times a week. this will greatly help maintainyour weight in itself. learn from my mistakes, during my recent weight gain to 90 kilos,my mistake was not eating as much as i could, i blamed it solely on my lack of exercise. last question. from chris. do you have totrain on cheat days? this question is asked quite often on theinternet. most people would answer yes, you have to train on your cheat day, and it wouldbe followed by a scientific research on its

benefits to our body bla bla bla. but i think, and my experience speaks for itself. it doesn’t matter that much. mycurrent cheat days are saturdays and sundays, and those days are my rest days.about 2 years ago, i used to train on a sunday and then have a carb refeed. and this wasn’ta cheat day kind of carb refeed, i had a proper macros setup. and still, i was bloated ashell after the carb refeed, and it took a few days for the water weight to come based on that, i say do not worry too much about it, if you can’t train on your cheatday, then it’s ok, it’s not the end of the world, just go enjoy yourself.

alright guys, i’m gonna head back to my cave now, and continue fasting. i’ll seeyou in the next video. live longer

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