Wednesday, March 8, 2017

keto diet what not to eat

keto diet what not to eat

greetings. it's eric bakker, naturopath fromnew zealand, author of candida crusher and formulator of a range of products called canxida.thanks for checking out this video. i've got a question here from a guy on youtube calledpro chess player. i think his name is josh and josh is asking me "eric, can you pleasedo a video on foods to avoid for leaky gut syndrome?" josh, one thing you and i havegot in common. i think i've checked out your site. you love playing chess. so do i, buti keep getting beaten by my teenage son, which is really annoying for me. one thing i don'tget beaten by is questions for candida, so we're going to address that right now.what are some foods to avoid with leaky gut? well, i've just spent a little bit of timeon the internet looking at a lot of sites

on leaky gut syndrome to get a feel for whatthe general consensus is out there. here's quite a well-known website from a very well-knowndoctor in america who will remain nameless and this doctor is saying, "foods that causeleaky gut, gluten, cow's products, sugar, unsprouted grains, and gmo." very true, doctor,but there are a lot of things that you're missing out on. i'm going to go into somedetail with this video. grains, i've got another site, in fact, i just went to google and typedin foods to avoid with leaky gut, and the came up. grains, legumes, dairy,sugar, unhealthy oils, alcohol, caffeine, excessive carbohydrate consumption. this isa bit closer to the mark. but when you've got leaky gut, basically,a good advice for you with foods to avoid

in general is processed foods. processed foods,in general. so when you go shopping, i've said this before in videos, if you do shopat a supermarket, buy your foods only from the outside perimeter. meats, vegetables,perishable products because these are less likely to cause problems with leaky gut. itis true that alcohol and caffeine do cause leaky gut. alcohol, to me, is the top of the"no" tree when it comes to leaky gut. if you would say to me, "what food is most associatedwith leaky gut?" i would say alcohol. what out of everything i know is associatedwith leaky gut is antibiotics. that's really the top of the biggest tree is antibioticsor all kinds of pharmaceutical medications, anti-inflammatories, steroids, anti-depressants,sleeping pills, any kind of a drug, for blocking

stomach acid or reducing pain. all of thesedrugs are involved in leaky gut. including tylenol, paracetamol, any of these kind ofdrugs. birth control pills, all involved with leaky gut. but antibiotics are the top ofthe tree. but when we look at foods and beverages, alcoholis right at the top, so don't even think about drinking alcohol if you're worried about leakygut. and even if your gut is healthy like mine, drinking alcohol occasionally will predisposeyou to leaky gut. you will make your gut increasingly leaky by drinking. every drink you take increasesyour likelihood of making the gut leakier and leakier. and then on top of that if youput antibiotics and high stress in there, you're a sitting duck for a serious leakygut problem.

grains, yes and no. i believe that most peoplecan tolerate small amounts of gluten in their diet when they're healthy like me. i don'teat bread or flour products. i much prefer to have brown rice in my diet and grains likequinoa or millet. but i do have a piece of bread every now and then and i really enjoya nice piece of toast with some tahini or an organic peanut butter. and i really enjoythe taste, the texture, the smell, and i'm sure most people do. i would not eat a pieceof bread every single day with peanut butter on it. i wouldn't do that. it's just everynow and then; these things are fine. grains in general. you need to be carefulof refined flours, white flour, donuts, cookies, these sorts of foods. every time i go to theairport and fly out, i see the donut stand

and you see all the big large people sittingthere buying donuts with all these sugar toppings. that's crap. that's the sort of stuff youwant to avoid. ice cream, refined carbohydrates, these sorts of foods. that's the sugars. chocolatebars full of sugar, candy, confectionary, lollies, licorice, all these sorts of things.these really help to breed lots of bacteria and lower immunity and really help to increasethe leakiness of the gut there as well. coming back to grains. everything's paleotoday. i don't really believe in the paleo diet myself as such any more than i subscribeto any one particular religion. because to me diets today are like religious beliefs.we've got the muslims, the catholics, protestants, the bahai, and mormons. so we've got the paleopeople, the vegan people, and we've got the

similar kind. they're all belief's up to you to believe what you want to believe. to me, a healthy diet is a balanceddiet that includes a lot of these different belief systems. and you need to work out whatthe right belief system is for you in terms of your gut. perhaps spiritually as well.what am i trying to say? i'm trying to say that healthy people can tolerate small amountsof wheat and gluten quite okay. and if you're very sick and you've got serious gut problems,you probably need to avoid most grains until you improve your gut flora to a degree whereyou can tolerate small amounts. i think psychologically it's good to have small amounts of differentkinds of grains in your diet. legumes, in many cases, are fine with leaky gut providingagain you don't go overboard with legumes.

and there are many different kinds of legumesand beans that you can eat. sprouted legumes are probably the best ones to have in yourdiet. i like sprouts. i make sprouts up all the time.dairy products definitely a problem, cow dairy with people in terms of if they've got leakygut to make it worse, but also stimulating the production of leaky gut when consumedin conjunction with alcohol and antibiotics and things like that. the better dairy productsto have would be mozzarella cheese; goat's cheese is usually okay. mozzarella, i think,is one of the better cheeses to have, but drinking lots of cow's milk is not a goodidea because it leaves you wide open to stimulating the gut to become leaky. even healthy people,i believe, should avoid cow's milk. even if

it's like organic, certified organic or non-pasteurized,non-homogenized, or milk with modified beta casein in it. i'm not a big fan of these kindof foods. sugars are certainly something you need toavoid if you want to avoid the risk of leaky gut. most kinds of sugars. i don't put honeyin that realm. honey does contain sugar, but honey has a different effect on the gut thanrefined sugars do a completely different effect. again, they're best avoided for people withleaky gut until they recover the gut function. but i'm also talking about artificial sugars,which i think belong in the toxic realm. unhealthy oils, i'm definitely for this. avoidingcorn oil, vegetable oil, soybean oil, canola oil, cottonseed oil, so these are really crappyoils. and hydrogenated fats, fats that become

hard at room temperature to increase the shelflife of different processed foods. so the better oils really would be organic sunfloweroil, macadamia oil, nut oils are beautiful oils, walnut oil, high quality extra virginolive oil, very good. there are many different kinds of very healthy oils you can have, butthey should be kept cool or refrigerated in sealed dark bottles away from light to stopoxidation. coconut oil, of course, if it's a good fermented coconut oil, a good qualityone, is not going to create a leaky gut problem. i've already spoken about alcohol. the biggestcontributor of all is regular alcohol consumption. caffeine. i don't think caffeine is a no-no.i think one cup of coffee a day for most people is perfectly acceptable if they can toleratecaffeine. so one cup in the morning is usually

fine and it makes you feel good. a lot ofpeople like the aroma and taste of coffee. avoiding all these things entirely from yourdiet because some paleo person says so, i think, can be quite difficult for a lot ofpeople to swallow. excessive carb consumption. well, that goeswithout saying. but remember there's carbs in a lot of foods. you don't avoid all just avoid the refined carbs. i hope that gives you some information, josh, about foodsto avoid if you've got leaky gut or to stop the development of leaky gut. processed foods.don't forget to check out and do my quiz because the quiz is good forcandida, but will also show you what your likelihood of a lot of gut dysfunctions arelike. it's the best quiz online for candida

determination. please subscribe to my channel.i intend to really build this candida crusher channel out to be very significant. checkout my products at i believe i make some of the best gut products currentlyavailable online. thanks for tuning in.

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