Thursday, March 9, 2017

keto guide

keto guide

hi! i'm caveman keto and today i'm going to show you how to make keto breakfast muffins i been making breakfast muffins since ifirst started the keto diet but i've improved upon a lot and reallychanged the recipes i wanted to give you an update one of the things i'm doing is using hugeprep bowls to try to make the process much faster also preprocessing a lot of the ingredients. so i'll just get a whole whole bag of onions slice them and freeze them and use them in all the recipes and you'll see that throughout the course of this particular recipe. so let's get started! for the spinach, measure out 20 ounces then microwave

once you microwave the spinach, i like touse a bowl and you can see it's nice and hot i liketo use a bowl to squeeze out all the liquid and i just pour thatextra liquid you can see it here into the sink. nowwill start on the egg mixture 10 eggs 100 ml of heavy cream then the spices. half a teaspoon of onion powder half a teaspoon of garlic powder

1/4 tsp of salt quarter teaspoon pepper and now whisk vigorously now we assemble all the ingredients. 16 ounces of sausage 1 onion 1 pepper 20 ounces of spinach. 8 ounces of cheddar cheese now mix all these ingredients together now add the egg mixture

mix again now i use to use a muffin pan but now, switched to these silicon muffin tops which make cleanup much easier add in the egg mixture now i like to add a cherry tomato in eachone now they're ready for the oven now the keto breakfast muffins are out of the oven now you can see the main benefit usingthe silicon cups, they just

pop out, i didn't even use any particular lubricant on these. well that's how tomake keto breakfast muffins you can see i'm now got them packaged ina nice glass lock container and another tip if you take vitamins ipackage them into a plastic bag and that way i have it premade for theentire week for breakfast you can either bring this make it forbreakfast at work or you can make it at home well that's it enjoy! and make sure tosubscribe to the channel also check out more recipes on

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